Chapter Three

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*Georgia's POV*

I wake up in Campbell Bain's bed with his arms around me.
I groan as I remember what happened last night. I literally broke down in front of him, then he invited me into his bed!
I'm such an idiot! I was supposed to stay away from him, not cozy up in bed with him!

I quietly creep out of the bed, so as not to wake Campbell. According to the clock on the wall it is 8:54. There's no point in going back to sleep, so I decide to get changed. Until I remember I don't have my suitcase.
Maybe my mum never took it inside. Maybe it's still in the car. But then that means it's at home. I can't believe Mum left without saying goodbye.

I go out into the hall, to try and find my suitcase. The nurse's office is at the end of the hall so I decide to try there first. I pull the door but it's locked. I look through the window in the door and I can see my suitcase on the floor in front of the desk. I pull the door again, harder this time in case it's just stiff. Still no luck. I sigh. Why the hell does it have to be locked? I just want my suitcase! I punch the door with my fist in frustration. And again. And again. "Stupid hospital, stupid manic depression, stupid nurses, stupid EVERYTHING!" I cry, "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
I want to go home. I need to cry and just let it all out, like last night. That felt good. I want my mum, even though she hates me. Maybe she doesn't? I sink to the floor in despair. Why me? I'm thirsty. But for alcohol. I feel the need to be pished right now. My thoughts are going so fast, I can't concentrate. I scream because I want this to end.
Stuart and Isabell rush in, but I hardly notice. Why are they here? I've not done anything!
Stuart grabs my ankles and Isabell takes my arms. I try to kick Stuart but he holds on tight so I scream again. This is illegal, isn't it? How can they do this? I see a blurry figure at the end of the hall. Is that Campbell? I try to wriggle out their grasp but it's not use so I just go limp. There's no point trying. I let them carry me to a small room and lay me down in a hospital-style bed. They pull my jeans down and try to inject me with something that I assume will sedate me. I try to fight them off, but I can't. They stick a needle in me and I feel my body slowly relax. I suddenly feel calmer and eventually drift off to sleep.


*Campbell's POV*

I wake up alone to the sound of screaming. Georgia! It must be, because she's not in her own bed either.
The screaming stops abruptly. The nurses must have found her.
I jump out of bed and rush into the hall to find her being dragged away by Isabell and Stuart.

I stand in the hall, unsure of what to do.
To be honest, there isn't much I can do.

I wonder what happened. Maybe it's my fault? Not sure entirely how but what if it is?

She'll probably be fine as long as she's not manic in front of them again. Or else she'll be sectioned.
I hear crying coming from the radio station so I go to investigate.
"Rosalie?" I whisper, seeing her huddled under the desk.
"It's awful, Campbell," Rosalie replies.
"What is?"
"I'm being discharged."
"Discharged? Rosalie, that's brilliant!" I beam.
"It's no' Campbell. I'm going tae be living in a B&B!"
"So?" At least she gets to leave!
"So, naebody flushes the toilet in them places and nothing's clean, it's a' germs!" she whispers hurriedly. "You've got tae help me, Campbell!"
"How?" I ask. How am I supposed to help?
"There's a 4 month waiting list for supported accommodation, so I need to stay hidden for 4 months!"
"Rosalie! I cannae keep you hidden for 4 months!"
"Aye you can!" she pleads.
I hear Georgia shout from our room, so I rush out of the station, Rosalie whispering frantically behind me.
I enter our room to find Georgia cowering under my bed. Stuart and Nurse are trying to get her out.
"You cannae make me! I'm no coming wi' you so you can drug me!" she notices me. "Campbell!"
"She's no' done anythin'!" I tell Stuart. At least, I hope she hasn't.
"Aye, she's been bangin' her heed on the office door like a madman!" Stuart complains.
"They wouldnae gi' me my suitcase," Georgia explains. She looks at me, then immediately looks away as if she's ashamed. Or hates me.
What am I supposed to do?

What if she does hate me?

*Georgia's POV*

I think Campbell hates me, now he's realized how crazy I am. Oh well, maybe it's for the better. I don't want to be in love with a lunatic anyway.
I focus back on my present situation. I can worry about my Campbell issue later.

If I go out there, they'll sedate me and have me sectioned.
If I stay here, I don't have to worry about sections and boys and the radio station.
I look at Campbell who looks worried. I decide to be brave and I crawl out from under his bed, covered from head to toe in dust.

"Sorry," I mumble.
"It's okay, let's get you cleaned up," says Nurse Isabell. I like her.
"But she needs sedating!" growls Stuart.
"She's only just got here, she'll be fine." Isabell says kindly.
Stuart fold his ams, clearly pissed.
I stare at my feet, trying to keep myself calm. I should probably stay out of Stuart's way in the future.
Isabell tries get me to come  with her so I can shower, but I tell her I can do it myself. She doesn't seem convinced
"If you're sure," she mutters.
She and Stuart leave the room, so Campbell and I are alone again.

I look at the clock. It's 9:01; 10 minutes till breakfast.
"Sorry Campbell," I mumble.
"It's fine. I'm glad you're okay," he says, then blushes and looks away.
Isabell comes back in with my suitcase.
"Thanks," I say quickly.
She leaves without saying anything.

I shower and get dressed, then join everyone else at the table for breakfast, earning a few funny looks. Probably because I'm new, I hope.

After that, I sort of just float through the rest of the day. I have a ham sandwich for lunch and watch Gardener's World on TV with the other patients. I don't talk to Campbell, or even look at him for the rest of the day. Well. Until about 7pm.

After dinner, all the patients on our ward gather at the hospital radio station. I ask one of them why, who replies with "It's Loony Tunes," as if I know what that means.
At exactly 7pm, Campbell's voice blares through the speakers: "This is Campbell Bain, the bane of your life!"


Sorry not much really happened this chapter, it gets a lot more juicy I promise.

I've been writing this during lessons (mostly maths and german) so i may ramble at times lmao.

i can't wait to write the next chapter omg, the teaaaaa


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