Twisted Behind the Woods

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Song: Turn the Lights Off by Tally Hall
Trigger warnings: insanity, possession, blood, gore, sucidie, there may be more

"I thought I saw your shadow under the door"

"Just a trick of the light I've seen before~"

The two friends sang back and forth along with the radio. The road that they were taking back from the weekend trip was narrower than they remembered. They didn't have a care in the world for anything right now. Both were together after what seemed like eons, they had the holidays to look forward to, both of them are graduating soon; life couldn't be better.

After miles going down the path the radio switched from "Father of All..." to an eerie static.

"Dammit," the passenger cursed and tried to fix the station. He turned the knobs and was able to quickly get back the music. He grinned and let the songs play.

Couple minutes pass, same thing. The driver sighed, "It's alright, Alex. Just turn it off."

"Fine," he replied, disappointed. The silence was awkward and gave the two friends chills. The road stretched on and the shadows from the tree warped from the sides of the path.

"Shit did you feel that, dude?" Alex asked his friend. "No," she responded. "And don't tell me what it was. I'm already paranoid enough now."

He nodded and sat back. "At least put on your seatbelt, Ashley."
She smirked, "Ok, passenger princess."

"Hey," he protested. "I tried to drive but then you yelled at me." Ashley shrugged sarcastically. The two kept along the road trying to shake the chills the path gave them.


Headlights went out. Darkness engulfed them. Ashley seemed fine but Alex painked, his eyes trying to fill the black hole in front of them.

"Ugh," Ashley complained. "Didn't you just fix these?" he asked. She nodded in response. "Do me a favor and kick the glove box," Ashley asked.

"You want me to kick the glove box?"


He shrugged and kicked the box. To his surprise the lights went back on. Out of the blue, Alex felt a chill finger run down his spine. He shivered.

Ashley grinned and kept driving. Not even one mile then the engine shut off.

She cursed and slammed her hands on the wheel in frustration. About to get out Alex yelled, "Wait, hold up a minute." She looked at him as if to ask 'What?'

Alex froze as he heard the walking of something not of this world. Ashley looked like she heard it too. They didn't dare say anything that would cause it to bring attention the them.

Turn off the lights, Alex mouthed to his friend. Ashley followed his order and they listened to the vibrations that shook their car. Moments passed, they thought they were out of the clear.

Ringing sounded in the twos ear and without a warning the car's light flicked out, the engine started. They froze with fear. Sitting back up they wished they would have stayed back.

A fifteen foot skinny hellish creature, not of this world, passed right in front of their car. Under its pale skin you could see its black veins. The monsters spider-like legs stretched across the road. The worst part was its face was of a man. Eyes milky white.

As much as they wanted to scream the bit back their tongue in sheer fear. Ashley and Alex were not religious people but they prayed to whatever god that was out there to help.

The prayers weren't heard. The demon looked Ashley right in the eyes and froze. Alex looked at his friend, horrified for what would happen next. He watched as her eyes glazed over as if possessed.

Alex's blood went cold as he watched Ashley reach down for something under the seat. She pulled out a rusty fork.

Why the fuck does she have a fork, Alex thought. His question was answered when she turned slowly towards him.

"Dude what the hell-"

He was caught off when she lunged forwards and stabbed the fork right in his chest. Alex screamed in anguish while she stabbed him over and over and over again. Each time digging deeper in his skin.
"SHIT DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?" Alex screamed at Ashley to get off of him while he was slowly losing life.

His possessed friend didn't answer. Blood splatter all over Ashley and himself. Alex felt his life slip away, his last image was his friend murdering him. He went limp and Ashley stopped.

She froze in realization of what she just did to her best friend for five years. She screamed bloody murder and sobbed at her murder. Not being able to take the pain and agony she got out of the car, ignoring the demon, walked into the woods, and hit her head on the tree as hard as she possibly could.

Thick red blood seeped from her cracked skull, she fell faint on the wet woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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