☆ The Mirror ☆

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The first part of the beginning of the story•

Your oc had just got a new house and was just moving in.

Your oc was now getting their things from a moving van.

They carry their things inside and sets them next to the front door of their new house.

•The second part of the beginning of the story•

They decided to look around their new house before they unpack their things.

They look around the house and find the living room, kitchen, the bedroom, and the bathroom.

They also find the door to the garden.

The first part of the middle of the story•

They then find the attic and they check it out.

They go up into the attic and look around.

They see old candles and books, old paints and pictures that the old owners of the house left.

The second part of the middle of the story•

They go farther into the attic and they see something.

They get closer to it and see that it is a mirror that is covered by a blanket or sheet.

They move the sheet or blanket off the mirror and look into the mirror and see a person looking.

But that person wasn't them. It was a boy, a boy was look back at your oc.

They both stared at each other.

The rest of the story is up to you if you like this story idea.

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