Let me die

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It's a long way up all the stairs.

What was Sherlock thinking of when he did the same thing?

John finally reaches the rooftop. Its windy, it rained before. The sky is cloudy. The city looks so gray.

It's almost ironic how simmiliar it is too that day.

John walks slowly to the edge. Staring down at the small crowd of people below. They haven't seen him yet.
So this was his view. John looks over to the place he remembers standing that day. His eyes are getting teary. There's no use to cry, he's going to see him again now.
John stretches out his arms just like Sherlock did.
He takes a deep breath.



A loud yell comes from behind him. He turns around. And there he is. But the rooftop edge is wet and slippery. He tries his best to not fall off. But he looses balance.
He's falling.
No. Someones holding his arm. John looks up. Meeting his ice blue eyes.

-John grab on so I can pull you up!
Sherlock cries.

-No you're not him. He's dead. You're just in my head.

-John I'm here now grab on!

-Let me die. You're not here!
John cries loudly. Trying to get his arm loose.

-John please.
His eyes look as they are screaming with panic.
-I'll prove I'm real and if I'm not I'll...let you jump.

Johns stares at him sceptically for a while. Listening to the gasps and screams of people below.


-I swear.


-How do I convince you?

Theyre both on the rooftop now. John's sitting down. His head in his hands. Trying to think.

What would convince him?
There's really one last thing that nobody except the two of them heard.

-The phone call.

Sherlock pauses.
-John..I don't remember..

-Yes you do.

-"Keep your eyes fixed on me"..

John looks up. With betrayal in his eyes.

-"Please will you do this for me?" Sherlock's voice sounds pained.

-"Do what?" John replies in a monotone voice. His eyes fixing on the ground.

-"This phonecall is my note. It's what they do, dont they?.....Leave a note."
Sherlock continues hesitantly.

-"Leave a note when." John almost spits out the words.

-I'm sorry, John

-You fucking bastard.


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