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"Tony " the familiar kind voice of Bruce Banner made Peter shriek. Looking down at the 16 year old boy, he gave a resigned sigh.  Honestly, can no one care about a man who created 10 books on gamma radiology. The Gen Z nowadays.

"Yes Kido, I know I am the h---" He started, but a gushed bubbly voice cut through him.

"Oh my god. Dr Bruce Banner, you one of my role modals. Your books on gamma radiology is so facinating. You so super smart...." and on and on Peter went, praising Banners scientific brilliance, as the man tried, very hard, to burst out in tears. 

Tony laughed, amused at the antics of his intern, only to see a couple tears rolled down Bruce's eyes. He looked back at the boy, who had captured the heart of the avengers, and his, without any struggle.  

As he watched Peter eagerly listen to the explanation of gamma radiation and genetic mutations, he counted his blessing at getting such a pure kid in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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