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Todays Monday which means I have school. I open up my eyes and check the time, 6am. Great I have time to get ready.

I slowly get out of my bed and head to the bathroom to freshen up a bit before having my morning smoke. I brush my teeth and splash cold water on my face to wake me up.

I walk to my room grabbing my pack and lighter, then make my way downstairs heading to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for myself.

I reach the filter coffee maker and see that it's already full from last night, grabbing a cup and filling it up before placing it in the microwave to heat it.

The microwave dings and I take my cup out heading to the back yard to smoke.

It's a bad habit of mine, but it relaxes me so much, I'm deeply connected with smoking, it brings me back memories and nostalgia since I started smoking from a pretty young age.

I started smoking when I was 11 and I know am 16, I've been smoking for about 5 years and managed to keep it a secret from my mum.

I reach the back yard only to see Tom smoking, great just who I needed to see, he takes a drag while turning his head to me, but something else caught his attention.

He started staring down on my body slightly laughing before turning his head back taking another long drag. I frown my eyebrows up at him, the fuck was so funny?, I think to myself.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask annoyed before coming to the realisation than I'm only wearing a short silky robe. I look down on myself, then back at Tom that's looking at me clearly liking the view.

"Don't worry, I've seen plenty" he says whilst liking his lip and I flush in embarrassment "don't look at me like that" I say standing next to him, our shoulders facing each other and I light my cigarette taking a puff.

"Why not" he says coming closer to me and backing me up as my breath got heavier. My back hit the wall as Tom placed his hand next to my head leaning down on me taking a long drag, blowing the smoke on my face before tossing his cigarette to the ground still having a slug smirk on his lips, oh fuck,

My cheeks are now light pink as he examined my body "because it makes me nervous". The words slipped out of my mouth and I widen my eyes realising what I just said and mentally slap myself, I just can't keep my fucking mouth shut can I?

Toms smile widens a little "so you're saying" he says snickering "that I make you flustered" he teases. "No I didn't say that" I say slightly stuttering not knowing how to save the situation I got myself in.

"But that's what you meant" he says snickering, leaning closer to me, oh my goddd. All I could do was shake my head in disagreement. "So I don't make you flustered?" he asks teasingly bc he knows the real answer.

"No" my cheeks heat up and he chuckles at how determined I'm to not admit it. "So this won't make you flustered" he raised an eyebrow whilst smirking, of course, his hand grabbed on one side of my love handles as the other stayed on the wall blocking me from leaving.

I sucked in a breath as his hand slipped down to the side of my ass and then to my upper thigh grabbing it and bringing my leg up to his waist. I felt my body heat up, shivers sent down my spine at the feeling of his hand touching my body in this way.

He looks at my facial expressions satisfied with the way he makes me feel. He brought he's body close to mine and pressed his hips on mine with my leg around his waist as he squeezed me thigh.

A whimper escaped my lips, god dammit. I tried my best to keep track of my words and show him that he didn't make me feel this way but my body was giving up on me.

Tom smirked and looked down on me, satisfied with himself from making me whimper. "What was that?" he ask tilting his head to the side snickering "I uhh-" he squeezed my thigh again harder "umph" I whimper again and flush in embarrassment.

Tom smirks at me and my reactions to his touch as I snap back to reality remembering that I'm just wearing my black thong underneath my SHORT robe.

I put my leg down and he lets go of me backing off, leaving me with an ache in between my thighs and with heavy breaths. He winks at me and while leaving, heading back inside.

There's no fucking way I'm letting this man-whore touch me again! This little game he's playing ends today.

I walk back to my room, I didn't even smoke my cigarette, I sigh to myself. I'm pissed at him and mostly at myself for letting it happen like I'm some kind of SLUT!

"Never again" I say to myself taking my robe of so I can get ready. I open my wardrobe and pick out a simple outfit.

I apply my body cream and start getting dressed. I decide on wearing a turquoise blue juicy tracksuit with my zebra print push up bra that has hot pink outlines.

For makeup I'm putting black eye pencil on my water line, some mascara and brown lip liner topping it with clear lip gloss.

I spray my perfume and place it in my bag. I finish and head downstairs with my bag.

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