Suni & Mooni

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—  05  /  11   — 

Hello Moon, It's late at night and I don't know why I think about you now, I think I love you. But do you know the theory of the Sun and Moon? It says that the Sun can only love the Moon when it is an eclipse, that reminds me of the two of us.

Taeil, in the worst and best moments you were with me, always supporting me or not, but it was a great help, I don't know if my help to you was enough (I don't think so).

I see you as a good person, I've never seen anyone like you before, your way is unique, you know? ...

Taeil, recently... no, actually, since the day I met you, I've seen you as a passion, I don't know how to explain it properly... but I think I've had feelings for you since I saw you, this is so weird. But what to do? Your way made me fall more and more in love with you..

Moon Taeil, I want you to understand me, I'm sure, I swear for all my LIFE, that I'm in love with you. If you don't feel the same, I understand, no one is forced to be with someone without wanting to. I hope from the bottom of my heart that you feel the same.

Can I tell you something? I feel jealous when you're with Doyoung... You guys seem so close, it makes me feel sick, what if he's right for you? stay with him.

After all, who would stay with Lee Donghyuck? — After writing this Donghyuck gets up from his desk, taking off his slippers, Donghyuck takes a rope and looks at the rope — Is this right for me? — silence remains in your dark room — Donghyuck thinks twice, puts on some shoes and goes to Taeil's house in a hurry, arriving there knocking on his door.
— Taeil He hears a knock on his door, then goes there — Oh my god, Donghyuck what are you doing here late at night? Hyuck why are you cr-... — donghyuck with a dizzy head, doesn't think and kisses taeil, right after handing over his letter, waiting for Moon to read it — What is this? Oh... — Taeil reads in shock — So you like me? — he looks at haechan — Why do you think I kissed you, Moon? — Moon continues reading, when she gets to the jealousy part he laughs — Why are you jealous of me and Doyoung? this is crazy, cute — Haechan takes the letter from Taeil and looks at him — Taeil, I don't know if you understand, but I like you, not as a friend, but in a loving way. — Taeik looks at him from top to bottom — Taeil, Do you like me back? — Haechan looks him in the eyes, he trembles — Hyuck, if I didn't like you, right after the kiss I would have kicked you out of here — Hyuck tries to laugh, but his eyes would water — Taeil, will you be my boyfriend? I don't care what they think, our age, our sexuality and stuff — Taeil doesn't respond and kisses Haechan — You should have asked for this before, of course I accept — Haechan smiles and hugs Taeil — I promise to make you happy, let's be like radio romances! —Radio Romance? The drama? — they laugh —

I love you, Donghyuck – Me too, Taeil

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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