chapter thirty five

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Sorry that I haven't been updating recently on most of my books, I've still haven't been getting the best of sleep, and on top of my panic and anxiety attacks I now have a really bad case of tonsillitis ithink it's called, my throat is swollen and it's really hard to breath or eat at times, but I'm still trying to update.
Upon entry of the shop your nose is filled with a pleasant aroma, the smell of green tea and roses in the air along with the slight hint of coffee is what's in the air. Alastor's hums fill the air also, you're hand still gently on his arm because he just doesn't want to let go and because he's holding it with his other hand vary, vary tightly each time you try and pull it away.

So tight in fact you're so sure that the top of your hand and wrist is bruising, but it's probably fine. "Rosie my dear friend! There's someone I'd like for you to meet!" Alastor's jovial tone rings out through the surprisingly empty shop, you'd think it would be bustling with life but it's not, but it makes sense since there's remains of a dead girl or sinner outside the shop being picked at by maybe some scavengers.

From behind the counter from the backroom came out a tall, smiling woman, like the rest of those people from the cannibal colony she has a clear white face with no eyes it appears, and a forever smiling mask, she's dressed in a dark red, maybe maroon color dress and a beautiful hat to match. Her and alastor converse, you don't hear much of her voice that's how softly she speaks, but you can get the Geist of it that she's asking him who you are.

You're fluffy wings stretch out for a moment, cracking slightly but in a good way, not in a bad way, your wings settle back, no longer stiff after that stretch. The inside of the story is also a maroon color with flower pots on the window sills and tables, and in the far corner on one of the tables was an old timey radio.

You spend most of the day with alastor, being forced to follow him every where he goes, not having much of a say in things, which isn't all that different from how your dad treats you.

"Um... Listen... I don't mean to be impolite..." You start, stopping a few times to wait and see if he'll get irritated or mad, but he keeps smiling, acting like you hadn't said a thing.

"But I have to get going... Y'know got a worried friend, uh- a dad that's also probably worried." You continued, subconsciously trying to wiggle your hand from under his, but he tightens his hold, the tips of his red, manicured and probably gloved hands digging into the top of your soft hand, slowly breaking skin.

"Oh? Are you sure?" There's a slight crackle and growl in his tone of voice, he keeps walking staring ahead with a smile that turns menacing, that makes you visible shrink back, rethinking your words you laugh nervously, hair bobbing and swaying slightly.

"Uh- what I mean is, it's late, it's past my curfew-" the moment you blink he's in your face, eyes glowering at you a menacing smile. "I think it's fine! Besides, we have so much more to do here! Like meeting my skeleton gators!" He says, there definitely being a growl and a more noticeable crackle to his voice.

Alastor wraps a arm around your shoulders and with a snap of his fingers your teleported to his mansion.

Word count 648
Like I said I'm vary sorry, I'm vary sick and it sucks because I have so many plans for all of my books and sceneries but I have to do things slowly now.

(daddy's little girl) (Permanently Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz