Good Morning....

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beep. beep. beep. beep. Smash! beep. beep. beep.

"Ugh." Juliet groaned as the beeping of the aggravating alarm clock continued, even after she threw it across the room. She ripped the sheets off of her body and slowly, walked over to the alarm clock and turned it off. She groaned again and realized the time, (6:00 in the summer). After much groaning and trying accept the fact that she is awake, Juliet glanced at Dawn and decided to let her sleep.

"At least she won't be grumpy." She thought to herself, while making her way to the kitchen downstairs.

Halfway down the stairs, she very low, but hearable conversations.

"But Sebby! It's still a little early, we can...."

"Grell, no"

"But Sebby!"

Juliet giggled at the grim reapers behavior and walked all the way down the steps into the living room where the laughable conversation was happening. Everyone(Grell, Sebastian, Claude, Hannah, the Triplets, and Undertaker,) turned around when they heard her adorabable giggle.(Their words no mine!)

"You guys are wierdos!" Juliet giggled again. "What do you guys want for breakfest? My treat."

Everyone sat silent for awile and didn't answer. Juliet rolled her eyes and strode into the kitchen and began to make pancakes with fruit and whip cream.

Meanwhile upstairs, unknowingly to Juliet,the smell traveled upstairs to the few people who were asleep (Dawn, Ciel,Alois , Finny, Bard, and Mey-Rin) and woke them. Dawn shot straight out of bed and sniffed the air like a dog tracking a rabbit. Sniffing the air for the third time, Dawn ginned her famous cheesy grin, grabbed her phone, and shot to Juliet's room. Bursting in, Dawn jumped on Mey-Rin while screaming " GET UP, MEY, GET UP, GET UP, I SMELL PPAANNCCAAKKEESS!" This, freaked out Mey-Rin, because one, she couldn't see who was in the room with her and secondly, this, for her, isn't how she wakes up in the morning. Finally, in the chaos of bouncing and random screams of pancakes, Mey-Rin reached for her glasses and put them one to see the intruder. But, Dawn was to quick and darted out of the room to wake someone else up.  "Next victim, Bard and Finny!" Dawn mumbled while scurrying over the two bedrooms. She swung both doors open and screamed " GET UP BOYS JULIET'S MAKIN' PANCAKES!". The two males jumped out of the two separate beds and held up the two nearest things next to them, lamps, as defense against the 'intruder'. Dawn then slammed the doors, leaving the men very bewildered, and went to her to her next victims. Sadly, for Dawn, Alois and Ciel were already awake and looking out the doors wondering what all the noise was about. Dawn just screamed "PPAANNNCCAAKKKEESS!" at them and ran downstairs.

   When Dawn reached the end of the steps, she looked Juliet dead in the eye, grinned, and swiftly flipped out her IPhone. Then, played "Do you like waffles." and began singing at the top of her lungs. Juliet then joined in with her and began swinging her hips in tune with the music. Dawn dance/ walked over to Juliet and toke a plate of pancakes and sat down the island. Then, Ciel and Alois, dressed on the clothes they wore the day before, and saw the scene before them. Dawn sitting on the island dancing and singing with a mouth full of pancakes in her mouth, The Undertaker humming the song, while giggling, Hannah smiling, Grell with a confused look on his face, Claude, the Triplets, and Sebastian staring at Juliet with a weird look in their eye, and Juliet. Ohh, Juliet. She was singing the song and swaying her hips in tune with the music, and Unknowingly, memorizing the men with dancing and singing. Then, the music stopped and everyone finally noticed the two earls.

      "Hi! We have pancakes!" Dawn exclaimed, gulping down a lot of pancakes.

      Shaking their thoughts, Canterbury, Timber, and Thompson simultaneously asked, "But you were singing about waffles."

"Yep!" Juliet responded, "Now everyone take a plate and take a seat. And you might want to do it fast, Dawn could live off of my Pancakes." Juliet glanced at Dawn who already scarfed down 8 whole pancakes!

Gulping Dawn responded, "Well, duh. I love your pancakes. After all it is one of the few foods you CAN create without burning down the place!"

  Juliet glared and deathly look at her pink haired friend, while she just grinned a toothy grin, and got a plate of pancakes. The black haired girl plopped next to Dawn and Finny, at the island.

  'Guess Finny and Bard came down earlier.'  Dawn thought,shrugged it off, scarfed, yet another, pancake, and looked around the island and kitchen. She sat at the end of the expensive, granite, island with Juliet by her left-side. Next to Juliet was Finny and the rest of the Phantomhive servants.    At the breakfast table, sat Alois, Undertaker, Ciel, and Grell(Of course flirting with Sebastian), while the butlers and maids of the two earls stood behind them.

  Dawn just shook her head in disbelief of the demons, and glanced at Juliet who seemed to have a puzzled, but sad, look on her face.  The pinkette, knew this face, it was her 'thinking face'. "Hey, where is Pluto!" Juliet said aloud. Everyone looked at each other with questioning look, but know one seemed to know. Then right on queue, the demon dog, in his human form, came racing out of the basement door, around the corner, into the kitchen and pounced right on Ciel's demon butler, bringing him to the floor. Pluto licked and nuzzled Sebastian.

      Meanwhile, Dawn and Juliet stared at the scene with both of them having little drops of blood dripping from their noses. Finally, the both, simultaneously, brought up their hands and covered each others eyes and wiped with the back their hands their bloodied noses. "Please, someone give the man a towel! Or something!" Juliet screeched. No one knew what she was talking about until they looked at Pluto. The suit he was wearing, when he came to this world, apparently disappeared and he was now naked. Realizing this, Mey-Rin also received a nosebleed. Hannah just blushed slightly, a turned way from the scene, while Sebastian toke Pluto by the collar and ked him to the basement to get his suit back on.

  "He is gone." Ciel stated.

  Juliet and Dawn uncovered each others eyes, but their eyes still remained closed. After a few seconds, they finally opened their eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, what a good morning...."


Hello my readers! I am back! And still alive! I never died, I promise. I was just going threw the LONGEST writers block in history. Well, probably not the longest, but maybe pretty close. I do not Know. Just something to mention here, it has not recently happened thankfully, but I know my story has a lot of run-ons, misspellings, and all that jazz. I know it does, and I am sorry if it bothers you. Nobody's perfect. and thank you my readers for actually reading this. Love you guys.

   Have fun, live life, and watch anime. Goodbye. :p



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