Season 1 Episode 1, Being Different

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It was a bright, sunny spring morning at Green Gables, and Anne awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside her window. "Good morning, dear Green Gables!", Anne yelled to the world outside. She had awoken in a particularly good mood as she and Jerry would be going to school in Avonlea for the first time. Anne was so engrossed in her own fantasies that she failed to hear footsteps approaching her door. 

"Anne? Jerry? Breakfast is ready, won't you come down?", Marilla called out across the hall. Anne quickly snapped out of her imagination and darted from her room to the stairs. I have to make a good impression so they'll keep me here longer, she thought to herself as she ran. "Anne!", called a voice behind her. She turned around and was met with sleepy hazel eyes, "Jerry! Are you as thrilled as I am? Oh, it's going to be a lovely day. You'll stick with me at school, won't you? I'm not sure if the other kids would be very nice to me at all so I have been sitting in silent turmoil." 

"I will if you promise to stick with me", Jerry smiled, "I'm sure everything will be fine, but if we go down then we go down together." A smile formed on Anne's face as Jerry's words eased her worries.  

"Anne? Jerry? You don't want to be late, do you?", Marilla shouted again, this time from the dining table. 

"Come on, Jerry. Let's go." Together the pair linked arms and happily skipped down the stairs. 

"At least I know how to write my name now thanks to you.", Jerry said, in between mouthfuls of bread and butter. Anne gave him a heartwarming smile, hoping that would suffice the absence of words. 


As the pair made their way into the woods to get to Avonlea School, Anne suddenly stopped as her scarf was tangled in the branches. "The ghosts of the forest", Anne said with a mysterious tone, "what reason would it be that they want to capture us now?" Jerry looked at her with worry written over his face. 

"What are you talking about?" Jerry shuddered with the thought. 

"The branches, their arms belong to the ghosts of the forest. Run!" Anne exclaimed, taking off running. The pair were halfway to the school when they were stopped by a boy. He looked no older than fourteen, with golden hair, eyebrows, and blue eyes. 

"Huh, you're the talk of the town. I see the Cuthberts have adopted an ugly orphan dog. Argh, argh, argh!", the boy pointed to Anne, "And you, Prince Charming, aren't you the poor boy that the Cuthberts adopted a year ago? They're sure doing some charity work, alright." 

"How dare you!", Anne shrieked in his face, "how dare you assume such things about my friend and me." Anne was enraged, her blood boiling as she spoke, and she was ready to slap that boy into oblivion. Instead, the boy pushed her to the ground and kicked her chin. 

"That'll teach you a lesson!", he laughed, not before slamming Jerry to the ground as well. Jerry's face made contact with the earth as his forehead slammed into a rock. 

"Jerry!", Anne cried, tending to her friend, "Don't worry, we'll get you help at school." Both of them were hurt and struggling to find the strength to stand up and fight their bully. 

"Billy!", called a voice from the distance. The voice was soothing, honey-like, and charming. It complimented the figure calling out to Billy; a boy with jet-black curls that illuminated in the sun, with piercing, light hazel eyes and eyebrows with minds of their own. He was tall but slender, carrying a brown bookbag and wearing a grey flat cap. 

"H-hey, Gilbert. Good to see you, buddy." Billy replied, his voice shaking as he spoke. Billy made eye contact with the pair on the ground as if to tell them to get up this instant, but the pair remained on the ground. Billy, Anne thought, that's what this bully's name is. Pathetic, boring Billy. It's worse than Anne. She chuckled to herself, not before Gilbert drew his attention to her.

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