Himiko et Yuto Kamado

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Hello, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes, English is not my native language. 😊

Shouts rang out in the house.

A man and a woman are crying with joy. They are holding two babies, who are screaming at the top of their lungs.

Then other people enter the room, four of them. Two women and two men.

Nezuko Agatsuma, Aoi Hashibira, Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira.

Nezuko rushes over to her brother and sister-in-law.

-Twins, a boy and a girl," says the latter.

Nezuko squeals with delight.

-Congratulations! Congratulations!

Aoi sits down next to Tanjiro and Kanao.

-Have you already decided what names you're going to give them?

-Yes," says Tanjiro. The girl will be called Himiko and the boy will be Yuto.

-They're lovely names," Zenitsu complimented him.

Meanwhile, the two babies had calmed down. They were dozing.

The adults fell silent. They didn't want to wake them.

Their father took them in his arms and went to put them in their cradle, which was in another room.

Once this was done, the adults left Kanao to rest and went into another room to talk.


Meanwhile, in the room with the cots:

Little Himiko opened her

her eyes wide open.

It's strange, she thought, I was convinced I was dead

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It's strange, she thought, I was convinced I was dead. Maybe I'd been rescued and cared for at Butterfly Mansion.

Except that this place didn't look anything like the butterfly mansion.

The baby began to panic, had she been captured by that psychopathic demon who had killed her sister?

No, of course not, he wouldn't have kidnapped her, he would have eaten her.

This sensation was still vivid in her memory.

Himiko thought the possibility of a rescue was becoming less and less plausible.

She tried to get up, but to no avail. She reached out to block out the sun, which was beating down on her eyes.

Her body froze in shock.

Her hand was that of... A baby's?!?

It was then that Shinobu Kocho realised that she had been reincarnated with her memories.


Unlike his sister, Yuto had quickly realised that he was living his second life.

He wondered where he was now and whether the baby in the cradle next to his was also reincarnated.

Wanting to know for sure, he summoned up his courage and tried to speak. His voice rang out, childish and hoarse, given that it was the first time his new body had spoken.


-Hey, are you reincarnated too?

Shinobu froze. She hadn't even realised she wasn't alone in the room.

She turned with difficulty towards her brother (or so she thought).

-I thought so.

-I thought so," sighed Yuto wearily.

He seems to know more about what's happening to us than I do, thought Shinobu. It wouldn't hurt to ask him.

-Do you know where we are?

-In a house.

-Thanks for that! snapped the little girl. I'm asking you in what town!

-No idea.

Oh dear, they really weren't going to get on well together.

-Who were you?

Yuto's impassive voice echoed in the room.

-It doesn't matter! Shinobu replied, rolling onto his back.

-It matters to me.

The insect pillar sighed, then answered:

-My name was Shinobu Kocho.


-Do you know me?!?

Shinobu turned towards her brother so quickly that she hurt herself a little.

-It's me, Tomioka!

The insect pillar wasn't sure whether she was relieved to know someone in her new life or angry that they'd be seeing each other every day.

-I don't really know what to say," she mumbled.

-Yes, I don't know what to say either. I don't know if I'm relieved to know someone or if I'm disgusted by the fact that we'll be seeing each other all the time.

The fact that he said out loud what she was thinking really upset Shinobu, who now felt like hitting him.

-I see you haven't changed a bit! Said the former pillar of the insect in a subdued voice.

-And neither have you.

Oh, she was going to strangle him!

-We have to play babies.

-Don't we?

The sentence, which had nothing to do with their conversation, surprised her.

-Yes, fit Giyu, we mustn't let our new parents know that we're reincarnated adults. So we have to act like babies.

-It pains me to say it, but... I agree with you on this point.

-Remember: my name is Yuto, your name is Himiko. That's clear.

-Yes," replied Himiko grudgingly.

She really didn't like the authoritarian tone he'd used.

-We don't talk any more, except when it's just the two of us.

-No talking at all! If you think I want to talk to you!

Yuto sighed but said nothing as he heard footsteps approaching the room.

Two adults entered the room. The twins assumed it was their new parents.

Wait, are those Kanao and Tanjiro?!?


Here's the first chapter 😊. Yes in this story Giyu died during the war against the demons. For two reasons:

-I thought it was funny that he was reincarnated as Shinobu's brother.

-He's the pillar with the strongest connection to Tanjiro.


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