[EXTRA] A day in a life

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⚠️This is not the continuation of the story, it's just a kind of special ⚠️


Himiko, Yuto and Ko Kamado

With the onset of summer, Tanjiro decided to take his three children, Himiko, Yuto and Ko, fishing.

With the onset of summer, Tanjiro decided to take his three children, Himiko, Yuto and Ko, fishing.

They left early in the morning, and Kanao had prepared some food in case they didn't catch anything. Since he didn't want to fish, he would spend the day in the village.

Whether in their previous lives or in this one, none of the three Kamado had ever fished. So they were all very busy.

With Kanao waving goodbye, father and children set off in the direction of the spring.


The morning had passed peacefully, and the four Kamado had settled down by the river. Tanjiro began by showing them how to put worms on fishing rods. This earned him a look of judgement from Yuto, who had absolutely no intention of touching earthworms. His father tried to explain to him that you can't catch fish without one, but the son got up to go home (fortunately, he was stopped by Ko and Tanjiro). In the end, it was Himiko who had to install his worm.

It was now midday and no-one had caught anything, so disappointment was beginning to set in.

-I'm hungry, yawned Yuto

-Me too," muttered Himiko.

-OK, OK, we'll eat Mum's packed lunches, is that OK?

-That's fine!

So they spread out a tablecloth near the spring and started to unpack the food.

-Here, this is for you Ko said Himiko, taking a small packet out of the basket.

But no one came to take it.

The youngest of the siblings frowned:

-Ko? Ko, where are you?

Her cries had alerted her twin and her father.

-What's going on? Yuto asked, not too worried.

-What's going on, you idiot, is that I can't find our little brother!

-Come on, come on, I think he must have stayed near the spring. Let's go back.

When they arrived, they could hardly contain their laughter.

Ko was chasing after a wounded fish in the spring, according to the traces of blood floating on the surface of the water.

The fish must have taken the bait but managed to escape before Ko could finish it off.

Himiko entered the water and tried to stop her little brother.

-Ko! Ko, stop! You can't do it like that! Take a knife or a stone! (NDA: 😐, Shinobu is dangerous, isn't she 😅).

-If anything goes wrong, it'll be your fault, replied Yuto, impassive.

For all answer, he received a wave of water in his face.

Even Ko had stopped to observe the scene unfolding between the two children.

Shinobu's twin looked down at his soaked clothes before exclaiming:

-Are you serious?!? Why did you do that!

His sister simply stuck her tongue out at him, annoying the young boy even more.

In a last-ditch effort to avenge his brother, Ko tried to spray Himiko, but his aim was off and it was Tanjiro who ended up drenched.

This led to a water fight instead of the planned fishing trip, as even Yuto's fish had managed to escape.

By around 7pm, soaked and exhausted, the little family decided to head home.

As they came within sight of their house, they saw that it was lit up, so Kanao must have returned from the village.

Kanao let out a cry of shock when she opened the door to find them soaked to the skin.

Finally, Tanjiro, Ko, Yuto and Himiko ate a hot meal, changed and went to bed.

I love this new life," thought Himiko, lying back on her futon. Yes, I love it, even if Kanae Nee-san isn't here. Well, maybe she's been reincarnated and is living peacefully somewhere.

With these last thoughts, she fell asleep.


That's the first extra in this story 😃. That's why it's a bit shorter. Let me know in the comments if I do them again from time to time or if I stop writing them altogether.


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