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Suddenly, I woke up,I was having a nightmare,I go check my phone,this time he wasn't on top of me so I was free to move. It was 2:00 a.m, I couldn't understand why im waking up this early.

Since I was awake, I decided to go grab some water,I didn't have to light the rooms,I knew my house perfectly. When I got into my kitchen, my cat was there meowing. "Are u hungry?" I say while I yawn,she started purring "okay okay" I say and put her some fresh food. Since she was eating her food , I put myself a glass of water and drank it.

Maybe the news is making me nervous after all, I have a friend now I don't wanna die. When death came into my head and it wasn't in a negative way,in the I wanna die way I got shocked. I didn't want to die? When did this change? I got my phone since I was starting to feel overwhelmed, and I noticed my eyes were getting wet.

"BREAKING NEWS: NO NEW VICTIMS SINCE YESTERDAY." Maybe the killer was getting tired of killing if that makes sense. I was so concentrated in the phone that I didn't notice someone was standing in front of me until he took my phone away "what the fuck are u doing awake at this hours?" He says while rubbing his eyes I got scared that bad that I screamed really bad. He put his hand on my mouth, trying to shut me up, but It was too late. We heard a neighbor screaming and running down the stairs. Then we heard someone knocking on my door.

I went to open up,I knew who it was,probably my shitty Karen neighbor. When I opened the door there she was "ARE U OKAY???? WHAT HAPPEND?" she says, scared."Nothing... dont worry Jas,I got scared, that's all, " I say uninterested."Oh god... I thought you were being killed, " she says and starts telling me how scared she is of that serial killer. I was bored of that conversation,she's always a pain in the ass when she starts talking.

Suddenly, Jeff gets behind me. "Hey miss,what if you go to sleep? It's really late,you're probably tired, " he says, and when the woman was flabbergasted and when she wanted to speak, Jeff closed the door with a polite "Bye." I look at him, and he looks at me,we stare for some seconds just to start laughing about what just happened. "Let's go back to the bed," I say, ending my laughter and starting to walk back to my room. I couldn't keep walking since someone hugged me from behind. "Thank you." "Why?" "For being my friend, " says Jeff, and my heart suddenly collapses,why he was saying that just now? Maybe he's drunk or something,I didn't expect him to say that just now.

He hugged me for some time until he grabbed my hand and started to walk to my room. I was happy to be around him, but I wouldn't show it to him. I lay back in my bed, and he does it too. "Goodnight,and this time please sleep all night." He says "okay okay,goodnight" I say and close my eyes.

I fell asleep peacefully for his presence. My house begun to feel like a home for me.

My alarm started to beep. I look at Jeff and start to shake him "Jeff wake up" I say and yawn he was dead asleep. "JEFF!" I scream,nothing,he wouldn't wake up. I had to get up going on top of him. I turn off the alarm and go to the kitchen to have my breakfast while I watch my phone. "NO NEW VICTIMS,IS THE KILLER TAKING A BREAK? WHAT IS HAPPENING? WE TALK ABOUT THIS AND MORE WITH THE CRIMINOLOGIST...". I watched the whole thing before ending my breakfast, so I kept listening to it while I showered.

When I got out the shower the New was over. They talk about other serial killers and how they could go from 10 kills to not even 1 kill in years. Maybe he got bored and stopped,the Police have no clues on who can be,but truth always appears when you don't want to.

I got my towel and put it around my waist,I had my clothes in my room. I walked into my room and looked into my bed ,Jeff was still there,snoring,I bet even Karen could hear his snoring. I put my towel away and start dressing,once I was finished I go shake Jeff one more time "Jeff,we have to go" I say to see him opening his eyes "uhm..." he let's out letting me know he wasn't happy about waking up. "It's late..." I say "come one". Jeff incorporated and looked at me "Can't you skip class and sleep some more? I mean there's a serial killer out there,come one... it's your free day of work...let's sleep" he says and he was actually right " Fuck it" I say and take my shoes of and then my shirt "make me some space" I say and he moves a little so I could get into bed again. I noticed Jeff laughing and I looked at him "go to sleep,after me,I can't sleep with your snoring" I say with a smile in my face and start to try fall asleep. I wasn't asleep when I noticed Jeff touching my hair,I faked being asleep so I could feel his touch until I actually stopped faking it and fell asleep.

Just Make Me Feel Alive Again / Jeff the killer x reader (male) Where stories live. Discover now