The Wish

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What if I told you there was an entire world of people with the reflexes and abilities of an Earth cat? What if I told you that most people of this planet were trained warriors from birth? Not all of us were set to be warriors, some were raised to live a normal happy life with little to no regrets. You see my family was that of royalty, but unlike most royal families my father was a noble warrior amongst our people that would lead armies to protect our most important relic. There was a sacred vow in my father's bloodline that the first born son would eventually take the mantle of that warrior, but when my mother could only bear one child the vow had been broken. For the first time in 300 years there was no one to take place as the next warrior. My father was reaching an age where he could no longer fight, so I decided to learn to fight in secret. At first he was upset with me, but knew that someone had to take his place, and so I became the Wish Guardian. What's the Wish you ask? A relic that has kept peace on our planet for centuries. Though we were a peaceful race other species tried to take the relic because it's said to contain a power that could grant anything most desired. We knew that something like this was dangerous so we kept it hidden, and protected the Wish with our lives.

"Erisa." My mother called out from behind the door, "it's time to get up honey."
"Do I have to?" My voice was groggy and still half asleep.
"Today is the Guardian ceremony." Her tone was soft and kind.
"I'll be out in 10 minutes." After getting ready I opened the door to be greeted with my mother's warm smile. The two of us started to make our way towards the ceremony hall when 5 of the royal gaurds had run past us. We quickly changed our direction to the location of my father hoping he had answers. My mother and I had prepared ourselves for a multitude of scenarios, but nothing could prepare us for this. A man wearing a black and grey armor was standing before my father with a gun in his hand.

"Where is it Arthur?" The man spoke in a raspy, but filtered voice, "Where is the relic?"
"I'd rather die than tell you!" My father was worn out, beaten to the brink of death.
"Is that so." The man pointed the gun to my father's head, but before he had a chance to pull the trigger I manifested a blade and threw it directly at his throat. Though I predict he would dodge it I ran at him and slid on the ground sweeping at his feet. The man got up only to shoot in my direction a total of 3 times he missed every shot or so I thought. Before I could land another attack my my mother let out a scream of horror. The worst thing imaginable had come to fruition, my mother had been caught in the string of bullets fired. Anger took hold of my emotions as I manifested multiple blades around my body. Each blade lunged into the man's body with precision piercing his chest, arms and thighs.

"Where's your confidence now?" I manifested another blade onto my forearm as I inched closer to him. The man teleported away likely to retreat. I made my way to my mother and father with tears running down my face.
"Erisa...." My father spoke in a weakened state, "I'm sorry."
"No, it's my fault for not arriving sooner." Sorrow fills my heart, but I knew I couldn't let sadness take hold.
"The Wish, Gunnar has taken it." Life started taking leave from my father's eyes.
"I swear on our people I will find him and retrieve it." Before I knew it my father had uttered his final breath. I have my mission: Retrieve the wish and save the rest of my people from encountering the same fate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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