everything new

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I was awoken by the sound of my blearing alarm. I pulled myself out of bed and dawdled across the room to my mirror. I glanced at my reflection before cringing at the sight. My long blonde hair had been pulled back into a messy bun before bed and my crystal blue eyes had a lingering red stain to them. I tugged at the hem of my crop top, feeling self conscious of my stamach. People always told me I was skinny and pretty but I never caught on.

Things were normal enough this morning. My older brother was making a vine in the kitchen -weird, I know- getting in the way of my hurried mum as she tried to make her blueberry porridge. My step dad was sitting at the dinning table eating some eggs my mum had made earlier.

I decided I wasn't that hungry this morning and had a single piece of toast for breakfast.

I chose to wear my light washed denim, high waitsed shorts and my white c'est lavie crop top with my leather Converses. I pulled my hair out of the bun and let it sit loose over my shoulders.

Today was my first day of school and let's just say... I wasn't excited. We just moved from New Zealand to California in the holidays. The good thing is that I'm coming at the start of the year but the bad thing is, I'm year 11 now. Everyone will have their friend groups while I left mine behind.

My brother, Alex is a year older than me so he drove us to school. As we pull into the entrance, a wave of nerves hit me. My palms were sweaty. Am I badly dressed? Did I bring what I needed? What if I get lost? My brother on the other hand seemed totally calm. Typical.

As we walked into the entrance a few kids glanced in our direction. I dont really enjoy a lot of attention and tried to hide behind Alex.

Suddenly I was bumped to the ground. "OMG are you okay? I'm so sorry!" A small voice exlaimed "I should have been looking where I was going!" The girl extends her arm to help me and I grab her hand while she pulls me up.

"I'm okay, thanks"

I straight away noticed the girls vibrant green eyes filled with concern. She had straight medium length brown hair that sat perfectly over her shoulders, unlike my messy waves. Everything about her was perfect. She wore a black high waisted skirt and a maroon croptop, showing off her flat stumach with black Vans. I was instantly jellous by her effertless perfection.

"My name's Jess" she said "you must be new?"
"I'm Taylor and yep we're new here. We just moved from New Zealand" I explained, gesturing to my brother.
"Hi, I'm Alex" he waved his hand as he introduced himself.
"Hi! Well that explains you're funny accents" she giggled "welcome, I guess! You'll love it here and fit in perfectly!"
Jess came across as a really chirpy chick and I knew instantly that we would grow pretty close!

After getting our belongings and Jess showing us around, we went our separate ways to class. Jess and I had the majority of our classes together, including our first class of the day- math. Yay. Not.

As we walked into the class the chatter died down, obviously noticing the new student. Jess and I grabbed the two empty desks beside each other and sat down. I started grabbing my book when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a boy behind me.

"Hi, I'm Cameron" he introduced himself to me and I couldn't help smiling at the adorable grin on his face.
hi guys... I'm new to writing on here. I usually read things so this is a change. Feel free to give feed back

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