Cameron Dallas?

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"I'm Taylor" I smiled back at him.
His hair and eyes were a cute brown, if brown can be cute. Everything about him was cute. Although I had a very limited view of him as my hair was in my face while my neck was craining behind me, I could tell he was attractive in every way.

"Haha! Your accent's so cute! Where are you from?" He laughed.
"New Zealand" I giggled.
"Isn't that, like, ages away?"
"Yep" I sighed.
"Well why did you move all the way here?"

That question put me off. I had stopped thinking about why we moved for about a week now and it felt as though all the pain came flooding back when the question slipped his perfect lips.

"Oh... Don't worry." I said abruptly before turning around and plugging my head phones in.

** Cameron's POV **

My morning had been as boring as usual and I was frankly, super bored. That was until she came. I was just sitting at my desk waiting for the class to start when I looked up to see a new face sit down in front of me.

She was so beautiful just sitting there. So I tried talking to her. I think I said something wrong though because she suddenly gave me the cold shoulder.

I don't know why, but I was offended. I wanted to talk to her.


The rest of the day flew by. I shared almost all the same classes with Taylor and Jess. Jess and I are in the same friend group. I guess you could call us the cool kids. I hoped Taylor would be hanging out with us now.

At lunch time I saw Nash sitting down at our table near the back of the cafeteria. Nash and I have been bestfriends for years. I went and sat with him and started talking.

"Sup dude!" Nash said as I sat down.
"How was your day? I can't believe we don't have any of the same classes!" He asked.
"Oh it was okay. There's this new girl , Taylor and seriously dude, she's so hot!" I sighed.

I looked across the room and saw Jess, Mia, Skye and Taylor making their way over. Mia was my girlfriend last year but we broke up before the end of the year because well... Let's just say it didn't work out.

Suddenly I felt a hand slap me on the back and turned around to see my good mates Shawn (Mendes) and Christian (Collins).

We all sat down and the girls came over to join us.

** Taylors POV **

Jess introduced me to her other friends, Skye and Mia. I had a few classes with them and they seemed really nice.

Mia was a shorter girl, around 5'1 with short, light brown hair and brown eyes. She was also really pretty.

Skye was around my height, 5'7. I was a bit taller though. She had medium length blonde hair and blue eyes. I guess we looked quite simmaler except her hair was quite straight and a bit shorter and I had a few freckles over my nose that I was very self conscious about. Again, she was stunning. I felt like the odd one out.

As we made our way to the table Jess was leading us to, I noticed the boy... What was his name? Cameron! That's it.

The lunch table seated all 8 of us and our lunch trays. All the boys started asking Cameron who I was until Jess spoke up,

"Guys, this is Taylor. She's moved all the way from New Zealand."

"Hi..." I said quietly.
A chours of hi's and hello's pursued, welcoming me to the group. The Boys all introduced eachother and I told them about my love of photography, skating and music.

what do you think so far?? Please let me know

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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