6 - Alas, Right Atsumu?

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Mayu dyed her hair black once again. She didn't really put on her make up for the night. Atsumu said that he wants to pick her up and she agree, but at a cafe. She dress simply, nothing out of ordinary. Mayu didn't put on undergarments at all, since she know the reason why she's going to meet Atsumu for the night.

Instead, Mayu brought a bag. She put her hoodie, a set of undergarments and a towel. 

Thinking about how girls begging to get his dick, perhaps he's good. But well, her standards already rise too high because of Satoru and Toji. 

It seems like Atsumu arrived too early for her liking. She just arrived but he's standing outside his car as if he already waited for 30 minutes. Is he joking or something? The dyed black hair woman simply shrugged before walk towards him.

"Hi Fujiwara chan~ Wow, you still look pretty even though you dress so casually." It came out as an offensive statement, but Mayu doesn't mind. It's not like she really want to be here at all. She just want stupid Atsumu Miya to leave the hell alone out of her.

"Let's go." She sigh, already shows uninterested face in front of Atsumu.

The man bite his lower lips. It seems like Mayu still didn't feel any sparks or at least excited to even at least have a date with him? Hell, she looks like she wants this night to end as fast as it could.

"Do you want any coffee or-"

"No need. I'm full." Mayu enters his car, sitting at the front seat. Atsumu clicked his tongue. He take a deep breath before he enters his car before drive back to his house.

Since it's Friday night, some of his housemates weren't home. Aran and Shinsuke has a part time job at the gym nearby, while Osamu go to the club with Akagi. Only Rintaro left at the house and Atsumu thinks that he might be sleep already.

Less than 10 minutes, Mayu could see the same house that she went to in the same week. Should she sigh again?

It's tiring to even act since this night things are so lame.

Mayu let Atsumu lead the way for her, as her eyes watch her surroundings. Maybe, because of constant women sleeping in and out and get their heart broken into pieces, there are intense curses lingers around the place.

It makes Mayu sick just by sensing their curse energy.

She could exorcise all of them, but it will not worth it. Judging by how frequent she sees Atsumu or at least Rintaro switching girls from day 1 makes her feels like she wants to throw them under a bus.

"My room's upstairs. Come on~" He winks. Mayu nod, as she follows his footsteps shortly. He seems like a little puppy, can't wait for his little treats. Aw, how Mayu wants to kill him for this. Urgh.

She already kill one of the twin, same goes with Toji. She now have at least 10 million in her bank account- Shiu makes another one for her so that she doesn't need to rely on him if she wants to draw her money or anything she wanted.

She's rich, as Mayu might as well visit the black market to buy special grade weapon for her collection. Killing is not as easy as it seems. Well, she might buy something that Toji recommend. Mayu usually take missions to kill humans or at least curses that keep bothering people who paid her to do her work.

She rarely kill sorcerer. Even if she do, it's usually lower rank sorcerer that suck, can't use their technique or perhaps someone weaker than her. She's not like Toji who can fight head to head with even a first grade sorcerer like her.

During her first practice- which she paid Toji to teach her- Mayu passed out with a punch to her gut.

That's hell.

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