Chapter Ten

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Crystal's POV:

*Next day*

It is now 7:00 in the morning and I can barely keep my eyes open.

I ended up going to sleep at 3:30 A.M. and I woke up at 5:00 A.M. I was exhausted, but this tiredness is worth it because last night was a fantasy.

As usual, my first four classes went by briskly. I then walked over to the cafeteria for lunch.

I found a table that was currently vacant and I sat down there. I overheard Sabrina laughing obnoxiously on the lunch line with a group of girls whom I did not know.

I haven't been certain as to where Sabrina and I stand in terms of our friendship ever since our talk about Carina and Harry in the library. I suppose that she doesn't like me as much as she used to, unfortunately.

I took out my lunch, which was a turkey and cheese sandwich. I definitely learned my lesson to never bring soup to lunch because it could possibly get intentionally poured on your head.

No one sat with me, initially. I sat there eating my lunch and pondering. I could not seem to get Harry out of my mind. He was a vortex that I was incapable of escaping, which I honestly did not mind. My thoughts were soon interrupted.

"Hi, it's me, Lauren. Remember me?"

"How could I forget you? We met on the first day of school!"

Lauren giggled.

"I just wanted to make sure."

I motioned for her to sit in the seat across from me at the lunch table. She nodded her head and did so.

"How are you liking the new school?" Lauren asked me, seeming interested in hearing my perspective.

"Good. It's been a weird yet incredible experience. How are you liking it so far?"

"I'm glad to hear that you're liking it. I like it so far too. It's been difficult to adjust to the changes, but I'm getting used to it."

I smiled at her. It's nice to be aware of the fact that I'm not the only one going through the adversity of change.

"What has made your experience at this school weird yet incredible, if I recall correctly?"

"It's complicated." I said, laughing.

Lauren laughed along with me.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked her. She replied with, "Of course."

I didn't know if it was a good idea to ask her if she knows who Harry is and/or anything about him. I decided to ask her anyways.

"Do you who Harry Styles is?"



"Yes! He's the boy in some of the classes that we both have together, correct?"


"What about him?"

"Well...I think that I am in love with him. I really do."

Lauren beamed.

"Awww! That's really cute! Do you know him well? Are you really in love with him?"

"I guess that that's what I'm trying to figure out. I barely know him, but there's something in my heart that is telling me that he's the one. I have never met anyone like him. He treats me like a princess. He constantly tells me that I am beautiful, whether he uses beautiful instead of my name when referring to me or he compares my beauty to the stars and the sunset. It's not that simple, though. He's...different."

"Aww! That is so sweet!! Unfortunately, I can't give you great advice because I have never experienced experiences like yours, but I wish you the best of luck with him! Maybe you are meant to be with him or maybe you aren't. Either way, everything will happen if it's supposed to and when it's supposed to."

I smiled. I have a good feeling that Lauren and I will be friends for a while.

The bell rang and we all walked out of the cafeteria. I waved good bye to Lauren.

The rest of my classes were a blur, just like the first four. I've been doing really well in all of my classes, except for math. I guess that you can say that it's hard to concentrate when the most amazing boy that you've ever met sits right next to you in that class. You could put it that way.

I then walked over to my locker to put all of the books that I would be needing for the night into my backpack. I saw a couple hugging a few lockers down from mine and it made me smile. I know that this sounds corny, but I love love. I truly do.

As I was walking down the corridor towards the front doors of the school, I heard a miserable and angry yet familiar voice yelling out of no where. I turned around, stunned, and saw someone yelling at a teacher in the main office. It felt as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest. My mouth was agape.


What. The. Heck. Happened????

I ran into the main office without even thinking and tried to the best of my ability to calm Harry down. He seemed just as shocked as I had been feeling once he saw me. Harry's cheeks began to turn red.

"Crystal? Beautiful, what are you doing here?"

"I...I heard your voice and..." I was then interrupted by the teacher who Harry had yelled at.

"Young lady, you have to leave instantly. I need to talk to Harry privately right now."

I gave Harry a reassuring smile and I walked out of the main office as quickly as I possibly could.

I hope that Harry is alright.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone!! I am back!! I changed my Wattpad username! I used to be @creativexnikki , but I changed it to my Twitter username! I am so beyond sorry that I haven't updated this fan fiction for months!!!! I have been so busy with school and also, to be honest, I haven't had much inspiration for this story, but now I do again!! :) I have one last final exam on Friday and then it's summer for me, which means that I will have more time to focus on writing this story and maybe a new story at the same time! :) I hope that you all like this chapter! Please vote and comment! Thank you! I love you all!❤️

Follow me on some of my social medias if you'd like:

Twitter: @lohfamthony
Instagram: @_.lohanthony._

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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