2. Nagito...?

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hajime's pov

i moved the curtain and what i saw almost made me scream.

it was nagito


"oh hahaha i-i guess y-you found me...."

i immediately called everyone over and we all go him out from there

akane grabbed the spear cord from his hand and once she did nagito passed out, probably from blood loss. akane kept holding it until everyone had moved nagito from the position he was in before

i wanted to cry

who would do this...?

*timeskip to when he was brought to the hospital*

i dont understand.....why..?

i was the only one left in the hospital and i planned to stay the night. monokuma had let me, he said one person can stay there to watch him.

so here i was...sitting beside a sleeping nagito tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

i was holding his hand

it was cold

but not too cold

just a tad bit (🤓)

i started to notice he was shuffling around in his sleep, maybe he was having a nightmare?

i was about to get up when a felt his hand move

i immediately sat back down and stared at him in anticipation

he started slowly opening his eyes and the first words he said was

"im sorry hajime...."


he started crying.

i got up from my chair and ran to hug him

he started crying even more then but hugged me back

"h-hey hajime.....?"


"can you...perhaps(🤓) stay here with me....a-and sleep with m-me...?"

i felt heat rise up to my face but i quickly brushed it off and accepted the offer

"of course i will"

"thank you, hajime..."

i let go of him and he got under the covers of the bed...

he scootched closer to me and i nearly had a heart attack

my heart was beating out my chest and my face was as red as a tomato

i looked down and nagito was snuggled comfortably against me, head in my (91cm) chest

i looked more closely and saw his ears were red

was he...blushing...?

i put on hand protectively over his fragile body and my other had in his fluffly white hair and started playing with it

he started turning even more red and i chuckled

"h-hey whats so f-funny?"

"o-oh its nothing really!"

he looked up at me and i felt my heart skip a beat

he was so beautiful

my face reddened and then he chuckled

i couldn't keep living like this....i needed to ask him whether or not he feels the same i cant keep this a secret anym-

i was cut short when i felt a pair of lips on mine


was he KISSING ME???

he pulled away....

"a-ah im sor-"

"shut up"

i pulled his into another pationate love-filled kiss

he was suprised but soon melted into it

we pulled away after a few seconds

"h-hajime i....ireallylikeyouandi

"nagito.....i was just about to say the same thing...i was thinking of ways to say it but i guess you beat me to it..haha"


"yes idiot...i love you.."

"i-i never thought this day would come but i need to ask you, hajime, will you be my boyfriend...? its totally fine if not and i know someone like me shouldnt even pose such an idea (🤓) to-"


i pulled him into another kiss to shut him up and it worked


"yes i will be your boyfriend, nagito, i would be honored to have you if youll let me..."

"y-yes of course! i love you hajime❤️"

he stuggled up into my chest again and this time fell asleep...


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