Baby Boe's 1st Birthday

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A year had passed since Boe's adoption into the royal family. The palace of Auradon was once again adorned with decorations and filled with joy and laughter. This time, the celebration was for Baby Boe's 1st Birthday.

Alexander, now a year and a half old, was eager to join in the festivities, and Mal and Ben watched with delight as their two sons played together. Boe, with his big, curious eyes, was filled with wonder as he explored the colorful decorations and the joyous atmosphere.

The grand birthday cake was presented, adorned with a single candle. Baby Boe sat in his highchair, his tiny hands reaching out to touch the cake, while Alexander, sitting beside him, clapped his hands with excitement.

With a little help from Mal and Ben, Boe blew out the candle, and the garden erupted in applause. Then came the cake cutting, and the two little princes dug into the delicious cake with gleeful abandon, creating a delightful mess.

During the celebration, their dear friends and family presented gifts to the young prince. Evie gave Boe a very special book. Jay and Lonnie gave Boe special blocks. Carlos gave Boe a royal rocking horse. Grandpa Hades, who was delighted to be a part of his grandson's life, gave Boe the Biggest rainbow dog. And last but certainly not least, Grandma Belle and Grandpa Adam bestowed upon Boe the Biggest present, a special toy walker.

The bond between Alexander and Boe continued to grow, and the kingdom of Auradon celebrated the joy and love of their royal siblings. Mal and Ben knew that their family was a precious treasure, and they looked forward to the adventures and unity that the future would bring. The presence of Alexander and Boe filled their hearts with joy and gratitude as they marked this special day.

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