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"You only smile that much when you're drinking"

Alabama's heart raced as she glanced at her watch—7:48

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Alabama's heart raced as she glanced at her watch—7:48. She was due to meet Aaron Hotchner of the BAU at 8:00, though she'd be a bit early. Pressing the elevator button, she heard a voice calling out, "Hold the elevator, please!" Acting swiftly, Alabama stuck her hand through the closing doors, allowing a tall man to step inside. "Oh, same floor, perfect," he remarked, reaching over to press a button.

Observing his demeanor, Alabama couldn't help but notice his surprise. "You work for the BAU," she stated, her tone carrying a hint of curiosity. "Yeah, I do," he confirmed, "Whats your name" he asked his eyes were golden

"Alabama," she replied, offering a friendly smile. Alabama extended her hand in greeting, but to her surprise, the man didn't reciprocate. "My name is Spencer," he introduced himself, his gaze meeting hers.

"Nice to meet you, Spencer," Alabama said warmly as the elevator doors slid open, revealing the bustling activity of the BAU's headquarters. Stepping out into the crowded hallway, Alabama stole a quick glance at her watch—7:50. "I hope I see you again," she added with a smile before making her way towards her appointment with Hotchner.


As Alabama ascended the steps and entered the room, a hush fell over the assembled agents, their eyes turning towards her with a look of curiosity . At the front of the room stood a tall, imposing figure—their leader, Agent Hotchner.

"Hello, Agent Roan," he greeted, his voice commanding yet welcoming. "It's nice to see you again." Alabama offered a tentative smile in return, her nerves fluttering beneath the surface as she shook his outstretched hand. "Hi," she replied softly, her voice betraying the mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through her veins.

"Have a seat," Agent Hotchner gestured towards a chair, and Alabama obliged, sinking into it with a sense of purpose. As they began their conversation, she found herself hanging on his every word, absorbing his instructions and guidelines with a keen sense of focus.

Their discussion was soon interrupted by the arrival of a young woman, her blonde hair cascading in waves around her shoulders. "We might have a case," she announced, her voice tinged with urgency. "Hey, I'm JJ," she introduced herself with a warm smile before turning her attention back to Agent Hotchner. "We'll have time for introductions later."

With a nod, JJ excused herself from the room, leaving Alabama to exchange curious glances with the other agents. This was it—the moment she had been waiting for, the opportunity to prove herself as a member of the renowned BAU team.

"Welcome to the BAU," JJ's voice echoed from the hallway as Alabama followed her out of the room and into another, where a projector and a round table awaited them. The rest of the team quickly gathered around, and Alabama took a seat, feeling a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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