Brooklyn's POV: First Week Detention

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Brooklyn took out her Charms book as she set her bag on the Library table. She flipped to the Introduction. Professor Flitwick had assigned them to read from pages 5 to 18. It would have been easy, if the large book wasn't 14 inch by 17 inch, with most of the space filled with text, and not too many illustrations or blank space.

Quite quickly, the tables around her in the Library filled, mostly with First Years. Quiet chatter scattered throughout the groups. Brooklyn tries to keep her focus, but she can't help but look up when she hears someone taking the seat next to her.

It was Morgan, the bright, enthusiastic girl that had been in the same compartment as her on the train.

"Hi, um, I'm Morgan! I remember you from the train," Morgan said, quite awkwardly.

Brooklyn nodded and Morgan swallowed when she didn't say anything.

"So, uh, how do you like Professor Flitwick?" Morgan asked.

Brooklyn thought for a moment before answering. "He's alright, I guess. But I hear there are better teachers here."

"Well, of course," Morgan replied, starting to feel more comfortable. "You know, I've heard from some of the older kids that the Herbology teacher is always being substituted. They say she's much better than Professor Longbottom."

"Professor Larson?"

Morgan shrugged. "I don't know her name yet, but it could be her. Also, some people say that the History of Magic professor is kind of strict, or at least one that would never go in your favour."

"Yeah, that's Professor Hubbard."

Morgan looks surprised. "Oh, how do you know so many of the staff already? Do you have any older siblings that have been here before?"

"My brother." Brooklyn looks away. Morgan coughs.

"Um, well, I think we should get back to, you know, reading this thing."

15 minutes go by, the two girls reading silently. Brooklyn finishes quickly, somehow. She doodles mindlessly on a notebook, occasionally listening into conversations around her.


A few students laughed. It was Kai. He had apparently drawn the team logo on his notebook. A nearby Slytherin boy shakes his head, muttering, "Jesus Christ."

Brooklyn chuckles and a nearby Gryffindor boy with hair cropped extremely close to his head giggles girlishly. "UWU, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe."

One of Brooklyn's roommates, Nadia, laughs even harder. Morgan looks up, stressed.

"I don't even get any of this! How does this 'mental push of magic' work?"

Brooklyn shrugged. "There's a reason we go to class."

The two other girls that had been sitting at the same table as they paused from their conversation. One of them, with a pink headband asks, "Do you know what time it is?"

Alexandra Barlowe, a Hufflepuff, Brooklyn remembers. It isn't hard for her to learn most people's names. Everyone had something about them that made it easy to remember them.

"Umm..." Brooklyn wished she had a watch. "I'm sorry, I don't have a watch."

Alexandra nodded. "It's fine, I just want enough time to get to History of Magic in time! It's the next class on my schedule."

"Mmhm, same here."

Alexandra turns around to the person behind her at the next table. "Sakura, do you know the time?"

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