
305 4 0

Ch64.2 - Extra

Editor: Amanagawa

Watching the white snow fall on the ground, Xie Shi’s heart suddenly detected something, he threw away the whip in his hand, and quickly left. 

He felt that he knew where Xie Nan’en had taken his uncle.

Xie Shi went to the mountain, and by now the mountain had been covered with snow, and looking from far away, it was pure white. He didn’t take anyone but went in alone. 

Xie Nan’en had been ruthless before, and Xie Shi now every step he took, every breath, was accompanied by severe pain, like holding a steel knife cutting flesh, taking a step, cutting a piece, until the blood flowed into the bone marrow, and the pain continued.

It could be treated, more or less able to relieve some pain, but Xie Shi instead did not cure himself, but was masochistic, enduring the pain day and night.

He hadn’t fallen asleep deeply in a long time, and every night when he closed his eyes, he could feel the fine pain in his body.

Little uncle…… Did it hurt so much in the first place? 

He hurt like that, and he’s still paving the way for him.

Solved everything for him, stabilised the entire Xie family for him, and finally, when the Xie family was handed over to him, Xie Shi still remembered that the uncle’s expression was very relaxed. 

Uncle loved snow.

He said he wanted to go north to see the snow. 

In the end, Uncle still died in the south, and he could no longer see the heavy snow.

Xie Shi’s knees tingled with pain, as if he was unaware, he numbly opened his legs, endured the wound, and approached the deep mountain step by step. 

This was Xie Nan’en’s tomb, when the coffin was dug out, Xie Shi did not take care of the aftermath, so he left him there, as if satirising his father who cheated him to death.

And now, beside the coffin that had long been covered with snow, Xie Shi saw the man. 

From his point of view, he could clearly see that Xie Nan’en’s already frozen, red and swollen hands were holding the person in his arms.

From the snow on Xie Nan’en’s body and the frost on his face, it was clear that he had been sitting here for a long time. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wlf Vtl mbeiv tfjg tlr tbjgrf nblmf.

“Tbe tjnf jikjsr ilxfv oibkfgr, jcv sbe atbeuta P ilxfv atfw abb. Snfgs alwf sbe gjlrfv atfw, sbe tjqqlis ygbeuta la ab wf ab rff, jcv ktfc P qgjlrfv sbe, sbe kbeiv yf tjqqs jii vjs…” 

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