Part 1

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(My friends told me to make this read if you want too)

Zach: He/They                  Short king= is a small animator on youtube= pretty good at art= only does "physical touch" when they feel close and safe with you= up to talk but won't start the conversation;

Jayce: He/Him                  Average height king= Enjoys late night calls with friends= isn't much of a touchy touchy person= anti-social person;

Liam:  He/Him                   Tall king= is a jokester= swears=  Is the one who told me to make this;

Camalli: She/He/They/Thing/It                Average height queens= Is two names in one sense they are twins and it would be more work= very anti-social;

Hannah: She/they                   Tall-ish queen= is a minecraft skeleton= doesn't mind talking to random people;

Caleb: He/Him          small king= Likes to draw creatures= We put his hair up;

Third Person view (but mostly on Jayce):

Jayce was having a birthday party soon and wanted to invite some to all of his close friends. The list wasn't big but he couldn't have everyone but had chosen a couple of them, they are; Liam, Camalli, Zach, Hannah and Caleb. He wanted to do a element party theme.

His mother and him had looked online for some party decorations to hang up around his house. He then got to listing gift ideas for his mother and his friends. After a bit of thinking and doing whatever else he had to do that day, he thought about if he should just tell or make invitations for everyone. Jayce settled on making the invites himself, which he's not that good at 'arting'.

Jayce had just finished making the last of the card invites, they didn't look that bad but sense if you stare at your art for to long you notice mistakes in it, so he just put them in a pile and walked away to go do something for a bit. He had just settled down when his phone rang, it was from Zach. Jayce had slowly started to gain feelings for Zach but doesn't have to guts to talk him. 

He answers that call,  "Uh.... Hello?" Jayce had questioned at his phone when he joined the call.

"Helloo, I was hoping you'd pick up. I had just remembered your birthday is coming up! is there anything you would like for your birthday?" Zach said kinda fast but Jayce has gotten it all.

"yeah, you've got the date right my birthday is coming up, but I just haven't thought of what to get." This was a lie Jayce knew what he wanted but he likes to text or write them down so people can just look back to it.

"Alright just text or call me if you think of anything. Would you like to talk still or should I leave you to think?" -Z

"Whatever you would like to do though, I planned to play with Liam in a bit on a discord call."-J

"Alright I will end the call here, bye bye!"-Z

And with that the call had ended, Jayce thought he seemed a little bit mean to just just say he has another call to join instead of stay with him. He really didn't have to join the call Liam and him have been planing this for a bit they just never had any extra time before.

After a couple of minutes Liam had called him to play something. Jayce had joined and had a slightly sad face.

"Why so down? Not happy to play with me?" Liam had said.

"No i'm happy to actually play with you sense we never have time, But I had to leave a call with Zach.." Jayce spoke quietly but had actually looked away from his phone screen while saying it.

"Ohh you mean you're future boyfriend~" Liam teased laughing slightly seeing Jayces face grow a light pink.

"THEIR NOT MY BOYFRIEND!..." Jayce talked loud but quietly so his family members didn't hear him say it.

"Mhm, sure and your not thinking what you and him could be."-L

Jayce rolled his eyes face still slightly pink but not enough for his family to question. "Are we gonna play a game or just have me get bullied by you for almost an hour?"

"We'll play just wanted to get your mind fucked up." Liam had teased again.

"ugh.." Jayce had thought for a bit but then said "Why don't we play overwatch I need to practice more on it anyways."

"'Ight, though you wanna invite your newly said boyfriend to join?"

"Once again he's not my boyfriend, and sure just don't 2v1 me!" Jayce said knowing they will eventually.

"We won't we won't, now add Zach to the call and tell him to join us in Overwatch, or perish." Liam stated, trying to make Jayce do all of the work for him.

"Alright alright chill-ax" Jayce had then add Zach to the call with a text saying 'Join Overwatch Liam's gonna kill me so many times before I get one💀.'

Third person view (But on Zach now):

Zach's phone had buzzed and joined the call. "Hello Liam and Jayce, I will join you in Overwatch but will be neutral i'm not picking sides, and no bribery."

"Okay, though I will kill or try to kill you much more then Jayce sense he's easy to kill and it gets to ben no fun." Liam said already in Overwatch.

"Wha- Hey! I at least try and fight back against you! You just know everything about almost every character!" Jayce huffed.

Once everyone was in Overwatch he played a couple rounds with each other, and then eventually switched to online with other people. Liam would cuss them out if they started to get 'mad' at the game cause he hadn't gotten killed when he was on a streak. 

Jayce would just try and sneak up on people so he could get a kill, But had only gotten 3-6 kills each round they played. Zach was the one that didn't talk much to the people on his team or the other team, He just answered what other asked hi my if it wasn't about his personal life.

Eventually Jayce had made a group in discord with all of the people he is inviting to his birthday party. The group name had been changed to "Come if you want to" Liam had thought it was funny.

Jayce- Alright you guys are the people I am inviting to my birthday party, you don't have to come to it.                                                                                                 Hannah- When is it? Where is it?

Caleb- Alright! I hope I can be there.                                                                        Camalli- Damn I'm broke as fuck, but i'll find away! :)

Zach- Do you have gift ideas yet?                                                                                               Jayce- Yeah I do here; Insert Gift Ideas, there's you go.                                         Zach- Thanks!

(I'mma end it here sense it's already 1101 words so bye bye)

(((This was made at 11:00-11:55p.m.)))

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