Chpt 1 Interview

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"Hell yeah, you seem qualified enough for this job. I will have to warn you though about the animatronic roaming around, he's actually kinda dangerous so if you think you're up to that task you can start tomorrow night!" The man said. He was hardly a man though, he seemed more like a teenager who somehow got his hands on this attraction. The place was old and rundown, a weird black liquid dripped from the corners of the ceiling and the lights let out a review buzz through the room. It was extremely cold, she had goosebumps all over her arms and legs.

"-Dangerous animatronic? How dangerous are we talking about Monsieur?" she asked, raising a brow. She started to think that showing up to this interview was a mistake.

The guy continued, "Well he likes to wander around and stare at the security guards, trying to get into the office. We almost had a fatality once because some dude was careless enough to let the thing stroll into his office. That was a... sad day for him. Dude luckily survived though" he explained, his voice reeking with a careless drawl. She had a feeling that wasn't the first time an accident like that occurred here. The place already looked and smelled like a crime scene.

She nodded her head, a skeptical glint in her eye as she began to speak "Uh huh... I mean, that should be easily avoided by just closing the door right?"

"well... if we had a door then sure..." he cracked a nervous smile. He probably knew in his mind that- that was the deal breaker.

With a deep sigh, she stood up from the chair, "Thank you Monsieur but this job seems to be one big liability, that I can't afford to risk" She grabbed her purse, clenching it to her chest. This seemed like just the place where she would get robbed.

Just as she began walking to the door the man sprung up from his chair "Wait! We haven't even discussed pay! I'm sure we can work out getting you a door for your office Miss Polly!" he begged. Desperation wasn't even the word to begin to explain how badly this place needed a security guard. With a curious expression, she sat down again.

"Listen Ma'am... this place is really special to me. I need it more than you need a job here. It's my only source of income and I'm willing to split whatever kind of cost I can with you.... I just really, really need a security guard. You seem like you would actually care for this place as I do..." he pleaded, not an inch of doubt written on his face.

"Get me a door and your on..." she settled. The look on the man's face instantly lit up with relief and excitement. Hopefully, her request wouldn't be too costly... God knows she needed the money too.

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