Part 3 Tour

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She woke up to a phone call. It buzzed loudly on her wooden nightstand, sounding like a swarm of angry bees.

She answered the phone.


"Hello Miss Polly, it's me from fazbears frights! Just wanted to let you know that we got a door installed. I'll be expecting to see you there tonight" he explained.

A feeling of relief brushed over her, leaving behind room for a totally new feeling. Anxiety. She was happy she got the job, but she wasn't excited to be in the presence of a murderous animatronic.

She walked downstairs to tell her brother about the good news. "Hey John, I just got a call from that haunted house place... And, they actually out in a door for me!" she smiled.

He seemed to be just as excited, and nervous, as she was. "That's great Polly! You better keep that thing closed 24/7 though. The last thing I want is for you to get your head bitten off" He said while reading the newspaper at the table. She caught eye of an advertisement for the "New and improved" Freddy fazbears pizza PLEX!? She had no clue the franchise was still up and running. Let alone have enough money for an entire Plex mall. She had to visit.

"Hey John, look at the back. Where's that new Freddy's place at?" she asked, pointing to the ad herself so he could see it.

John turned the paper around with a skeptical grunt, skimming his eyes through that paper before they lit up with amusement. "You're not gonna believe this but it's just outside of us in Hurricane" He explained.

They lived in St George, Utah. Just 24 minutes away. She definitely was forcing him to come with her to this place.

They both had an ick for Freddy's because of Pollys Springlock incident while working there. So every time a new location would open up, they would visit it just to see how horrible the places got as the years went by. Unfortunately, they would have to wait because she had to meet up with her new boss.

Earlier, while one the phone, the guy had told her to come back to Fazbears to check the door, As well as pick up her uniform. He also mentioned giving her a rundown on how the cameras and ventilation system worked, as well as a tour of her new office.

She parked her car at the grocery store across from the attraction. Her heart raced as she stepped out and crossed to road. Her eyes glazed over the building, it looked like it had been burnt from the inside. Smelled like it too.

Her boss and a couple of other workers stood at the front entrance, all chatting to each other. She awkwardly approached them all, also realizing she was the only woman, "Hi- it's me... Polly" she spoke, waving to everyone then to her boss.

"Polly, We've all been waiting for you so we can start our tour!" he said, waving in her direction to hurry up.

They all walked into the building. It was the same as she remembered, except this time they saw more of the "Fright" side of the pizzeria.

As she walked, listening to the tour, a larger man walked up next to her. He had to be at least 6"9 and wide in length. He didn't say anything except nodding his head at the young man in front of him. It was then when she realized, the young man was speaking sign language! He must have been the really tall guy's interpreter.

She listened along to the tour, keeping note of all the rooms said to be "important"

They finally made it into the office where she would be working. It had a huge glass window looking in or out and a small door, they just installed for her, just a few inches around the corner. The room was dark and had a very little desk to sit at with computer screens of every room in the place.

Polly walked around and explored, taking notice to an extremely large vent just to the right of her office desk on the wall. After inspecting the vent, the went and looked at the cameras only to see a pair of eyes staring back at her. They were attached to a tall dark figure that had ears like a rabbit. It was so dark she couldn't see the thing.

"W-what is that?" She murmured to her new boss, pointing to the screen. The figure started to move and twitch as it creeped out of view from the camera and then into the view of another one.

"Remember that animatronic I was telling you about? Well, that's him" He explained, Alamo sounding proud of it.

"Him-?" she asked, a little baffled.

"Yep, we call him Springtrap. Or... well that's what he calls himself. He shouldn't bother us here though, we got that side of the attraction on lockdown just for the tour! Speaking of the attraction..." he trailed off. She was skeptical as to why he glossed over that information so quickly.

From the corner of her eyes she caught on to the conversation the deaf man and his interpreter were having.  It went something along the line of *That animatronic was the one who killed that guy back in 2020. Apparently William still had a thirst for blood, even in the afterlife*

Polly interrupted there convo, trying to remember the bit of sigh she knew. She sighed *I don't mean to intrude but who's William?* she asked, the deaf man didn't even hesitate to explain, *William afton was the one who killed those kids back when Freddy's first opened. Apparently he's trapped inside that rabbit animatronic. I think it's all just rumors though* he signed back, while crossing his arms.

She let out a nervous laugh, thinking she should get this guys name incase that robot rabbit tried to eat her. Now she had a good few moments to take a look at him. She noticed his shirt said parts&service" and he had a utility belt on. He was also very buff with a claw-mark- like scar scratched over his left eye. He didn't look like a guy you wanted to mess with.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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