White Lady

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You were walking at night in your hometown, visiting after a long time. The sounds of nature surrounds you but then, you feel something before you even see it, an otherworldly presence near the bridge.

You can't move, it's as if you whole body was paralyzed even if it trembles. You hear something, like a drum beating faster and faster, closer and closer until you realize that it's your own heart.

In front of you is a figure crying tears of crimson, her wounds appearing freshly inflicted, though you sensed it wasn't the case

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In front of you is a figure crying tears of crimson, her wounds appearing freshly inflicted, though you sensed it wasn't the case. Slowly, she raised her hand while her mouth contorted, ready to unleash a bone-chilling scream. It wasn't you she was pointing at but something lurking behind you, ominous and unseen, then–

She vanished into thin air, and the moment you regained control of your body, you sprinted as fast as your legs could carry you. The lady's terror-inducing presence lingered in your mind, but you dared not turn to face whatever had made her more afraid than you.

You couldn't talk about what you saw for the fear that your family would make fun of you but over the weeks, you couldn't take it anymore so you told your grandma about it. She listened to you closely as you told her the figure you have encountered, the lady in white dress was so vivid that you can give her a full description.

After a moment of silence, she walked to her bedroom, and you assisted her in retrieving your great-great-grandmother's chest. The chest contained a treasure trove of vintage clothes and old belongings, but what she sought wasn't among them. Finally, she found it—a book, but it was a small picture within that held the key. She handed it to you, and despite the aged state of the photograph, you instantly recognized the image.

 She handed it to you, and despite the aged state of the photograph, you instantly recognized the image

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Your grandma explains that the girl in the picture was my great great grandmother's aunt. Her name was Flordeliza who died at the night before she was suppose to be wed. They found her near the bridge wearing her unfinished dress, wounded and already dead. They never did find out what happened to her or who killed her, others suspected it was her husband to be or an unknown killer she might have known, either way, they're long dead.

Although people have completely given up finding who her killer is, Flordeliza's ghost still roams around the bridge, looking for her murderer or maybe trying to show people who did it but they always run away in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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