Chapter Seven

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"Dustin, will you please go see if your sister is awake? She's missed the last three days of school, it's time to return to the land of the living." Claudia chirped to her son as he walked into the kitchen, "SLOAN!" He screamed from the bottom of the stairs and turned back to the cereal on the counter. "I could have done that." A few minutes later Sloan walked into the kitchen placing her bag on the counter, "I'm right here, no need to scream Dusty." She teased as she walked to the coffee pot to pour herself some coffee. "So are either of you going to tell me why she needed a 3-day vacation from school, or am I just left in the dark like always?" Sloan smiled as she sat next to her brother, "I broke up with Steve." Dustin's eyes widened as he turned to her, his brain not fully processing what she said, "Oh I'll grab the door, I don't know why we don't unlock it when we get up like we used to." She whispered as she walked off "It's always Eddie." "Shit, I'm sorry, are you okay? Why didn't you tell me, I would have been here for you." She smiled putting a hand on Dustin's shoulder, "I know, and I appreciate it, but after it happened I talked to Mom and I just really needed some time to myself." "As long as you're okay I guess that's what matters."

"Don't tell Eddie please, I would like to do that." The siblings shared a smile before Eddie's bright presence appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. "Good morning Henderson's Sloan are you done being gross and sick?" He teased pulling her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her. "Shut up Munson, I'm fine." She laughed wrapping her arms around his waist and returning the embrace. "You two losers ready to go?" Dustin yelled as he ran past them to Eddie's van in the driveway, "After you princess." The metalhead playfully bowed allowing her to walk out in front of him. The ride to school was filled with Dungeon and Dragon planning, and Dustin arguing with Eddie about some science project he was supposed to help on. When they arrived Dustin got the hint and left Eddie and Sloan to be alone, "Hey before we go in there I wanted to talk to you about something." Sloan grabbed Eddie's arm stopping him from walking away, he turned around, his chest almost pressed to hers. "What's up, Lo?" He smiled reaching up to tuck a loose hair behind her ear, "When you left Monday night Steve showed up, and he tried to apologize but in his deflective way." She groaned, rolling her eyes, remembering the conversation. "Jesus, I'm sorry are you okay?" Eddie asked, placing a gentle touch on her cheek with his hand, Sloan looked up into her best friend's beautiful eyes and nodded. "I need you to know that I wasn't sick Eddie, I needed some time because I-I broke up with him." "Wait you what?" He asked his voice barely audible, "I broke up with Steve." It was quiet for a minute, neither of them fully sure of what to say, but it was Eddie that finally broke the silence. "Why did you say you needed me to know?" She smiled taking her hand and placing it on his cheek, "I needed you to know because you're very important to me Eddie, and although I'm not ready I just..." He smirked lifting her chin so she'd look at him, "You needed me to know. I get it, and I understand." He said without another word, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they walked into school, as they did any typical day. "Sloan! Did your brother tell you I called?" Robin appeared halfway down the hallway, following the pair. "Yeah sorry it was just a rough few days." She smiled at the young girl leaning against the locker next to hers, "I gotta run to the theatre room and check on a few things for tonight, I'll see you in class." Eddie smiled pinching her chin between his thumb and index finger, kissing her forehead. Her cheeks were flushed, feeling Robin's stare burning a hole in her face "Bye Ed." She turned and continued to switch out the books she'd need for the morning, "So he's taking the news well." She smirked as Sloan closed her locker and they walked toward their first class. "Steve tell you?" Sloan asked and Robin simply nodded, "Look Robin I understand if Steve gets you in the divorce, you were his friend first and I would get it if you were upset with me I broke up with him-" Robin's hand shot out over Sloan's mouth "Would you relax, if I'm upset with anyone its Steve. He's a sweetheart when he wants to be but a complete asshole when he's not paying attention. You were good for him, good together but I just don't think Steve Harrington is where your heart lies."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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