10: BPM Entertainment

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Merriam-Webster Word of the Day:

Voracity (vuh-RASS-uh-tee)

Noun. an immoderate eagerness or enthusiasm for something; or an intense desire to eat.


"Good evening. I am Kang Daniel, CEO of KD Corporation and Konnect Entertainment," Daniel stood up and extended his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you. I am Choi Jaeho, founder of BPM Entertainment," the person who accepted Daniel's gesture said.

Since the two executives were meeting over dinner in a restaurant, food was served before the two started discussions.

"So, Daniel-ssi, I heard you discussed with CJ ENM a full transfer of Wanna One's trademarks to you. Is this true?" Jaeho started the discussion while finishing their crème brûlée.

"Actually, yes. I did request to transfer all trademarks to KD Corporation which I own," Daniel said.

"Is that so? Seeing that, am I correct in assuming that this meeting will involve our talent, Ha Sungwoon-ssi?" Jaeho led the conversation.

"Your assumptions are correct, Jaeho-nim," Daniel confirmed. "I am here todiscuss with you Sungwoon-hyung's possible contract with Konnect as a member ofWanna One. You see, I am trying to permanently reunite Wanna One under myagency."

"Really? Interesting," Jaeho commented.

"The agenda of this meeting will include Sungwoon-hyung's non-exclusive contract, scheduling concerns, and profit distribution. I hope you will be willing to hear our proposals," Daniel laid out the topics of conversation.

"I might have to stop you right there, Daniel-ssi," Jaeho interrupted Daniel's presentation. "Don't get me wrong. I am more than willing to hear your proposal. However, I don't want to decide on the contract without our legal adviser and the artist of concern. I hope you don't mind if we suspend this negotiation temporarily and meet another time?"

Daniel was reluctant to let this go, but he had to, "I understand."

"We will be calling you for the details of the next meeting. For now, I need to consult with my fellow executives regarding this matter," Jaeho stated.


Daniel was dispirited when he entered the office the next day. Taeyeop and Saeron noticed this and followed the CEO back to his office.

"Good morning, daepyonim. Did something wrong happen?" Saeron carefully asked.

Daniel groaned in frustration before answering, "Jaeho-nim, founder of BPM Entertainment which handles Sungwoon-hyung, cut our meeting short."

"Why? Was he unsupportive of the idea?" Taeyeop took a seat in front of the CEO's desk; the director followed suit.

"Not particularly," Daniel mentioned. "He did not want to decide without consulting his legal adviser and Sungwoon-hyung."

"That is understandable, considering it's a big decision to make. Also, he is unaware of Sungwoon-ssi's decision to join the reunion," Taeyeop pointed out.

"That is why he told me they will schedule another meeting with us soon after convening with his executives," Daniel was worried that the negotiation went south without even properly starting.

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