Chapter 19

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Her name was Anna-Beth (L/N). Just a couple of years younger than me, and she was my only sister. We would always play games and hang out. We talked to each other during school, we would walk home, and she was the main reason why I wanted to become a doctor.

When we were young, she came to me for help. She had accidentally cut into her teddy bear, and she came to me to stitch him up. She was in tears over it, so I got into the role of a doctor. I laid it down, examined the "wound", and started working on it. My parents came by to see why my sister was crying, and they had soon become the "nurses" for the operation. It was one of the best family bonding that we went through.

After I fixed her teddy bear up, she was really happy. Ecstatic, even. After that, I wanted to become a doctor. I dedicated myself to my studies, learning what I was supposed to do, and figuring out where I was supposed to go to get my doctorate.

But I had soon delved so deep into my studies that I refused to hang out with my sister. The times we would hang out dwindled, and we were soon separated.

After that, she would keep coming into my room, wanting to hang out and talk, but it got to a point where I was getting frustrated with her visit. After so many visits, I snapped. I told her to scram and get lost. Not only was she being ignored by her brother, but that brother just told her to get lost. Her feelings got hurt, and she ran away crying.

If only it ended at that.

She had left the house, and I didn't know about what happened, until my dad came to pick me up.

I wasn't sure why we were leaving, or why he had to come and pick me up, and I didn't piece it together until we reached the hospital. He hurried me into the building, and then we reached one of the rooms.

My sister was laying on the bed, bones broken, and bruises and blood over her body. The doctors told us that she was hit by a car when she was out. An unprecedented amount of guilt overwhelmed me, and I prayed that she would survive this. Her only chance was to get operated on.

A couple of hours later, and we had received the bad news; she didn't make it.

My sister's bedroom soon became sacred, none of us dared go in to touch it. My mother tried to convince herself that it was just a bad dream, and my father tried to continue through his day like she was going to come back. But it was no use. Even I couldn't believe she was gone. I felt more guilty than my parents because I was the one to shoo her away, and send her outside.

A week after the incident, my parents decided to move to America but then...I ended up in the hospital.


Once again, (F/N) hit a blank while he was telling Luna his story involving his sister. No matter how many times he told the story over and over in his head, he couldn't put together the memory of what happened, leading him to stop the story there, for the time being. He looked down at his lap, took a seat on a rock while the Thestrals continued to walk around the riverbed, eating what they could.

Luna sat next to him, listening to his story intently.

"But if I hadn't yelled at her," (F/N) continued, "then I probably wouldn't be here in Hogwarts. And I wouldn't have these damn hands." He held his hands up to emphasize how big of a difference his sister's life had made. Luna reached over and grabbed (F/N)'s hand again, running her fingers over the palm of his disfigured hand, before fully grabbing it.

"My father had the same feeling when my mother died," Luna said. "If he had stopped her from trying to create another spell, I'd likely have a mother that would look after me. But he didn't let that keep him down, because he had me. He still has family, and he took good care of me." (F/N) looked down again.

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