Show day

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Joana's most awaited day finally arrived, which was the day of the show, she waited for this day for 3 months after she bought several things from the band and also her beloved ticket to the show.

Joana couldn't wait to go to the show she was finally going to meet her idols who inspire her every day of her life, they taught her to follow her dreams no matter what, to believe in herself and not give up on her dreams .

The show started at 10:30 pm, so the doors to the place where the show was taking place would open at 8 pm.

Joana looked at her cell phone that was charging in her room and saw that it was 2pm, so she decided to go to the mall to do some shopping and also go to the hairdresser to get her beautiful straight brown hair done, as she was going to her band's Meet&Greet today.

Joana spent the whole afternoon at the mall, but when she got home she saw that it was almost 7pm so she had 1 hour to get ready to finally go to the band's long-awaited show.

So she wore some jeans (to be more comfortable), a band t-shirt, she also wore a necklace, a hat and a bag that she bought at the band store while she waited for this day with great excitement.

Joana had already finished getting ready, she took her house key and went to catch the bus to go to the show location, when she got there she went to the line and presented her VIP ticket and that was when they gave her the VIP bracelet that gave him access to the Meet&Greet right after the show.

A security guard directed Joana to the VIP area of the show and when she got there she saw that she had some people there and immediately made friends with all these people who even exchanged their Instagram profiles so they could talk and get to know each other better.

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