Glimpse of Childhood

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From what Natasha said, It's almost a thirty minute drive from their home up to where Helen Cho's laboratory located, for Wanda its been a while she heard of that name the last time she meet Helen was pre blip when she attends one of Tony's team party, other than that she haven't seen her since then. In Wanda's universe Helen Cho is retired from being the Avengers personal health consultant, she went back to her hometown in Seoul and through her letter its been stated that she cant work with the remaining Avengers anymore for it was painful for her of the deaths of Tony, Steve and Natasha which Wanda understands, so it also a long time ago since she get consulted.

Throughout their travel time, Wanda leans her head in the car window as she notice the traffic light turns green, the cars stops when it flashes the green color, Isn't suppose to be mean GO?. While they are on stop, she scanned the surroundings, its an exact copy of New York City she knows except that it is more of a combination of modern technology and nature, in short it looks like Wakanda, wait so does it mean in this universe the Vibranium were shared not just in Wakanda but throughout the entire country?, she pauses realizing she created so much questions in her head she needs to stop and just go find Strange as early as possible, maybe in this universe Strange doesn't hate her.

"Wanda talk to me please, does the red hurting you honey? You don't look good" Natasha asked while she glance at Wanda at the backseat, Steve is the one who's driving, the children were left supervised by some kind of AI who sounded like Friday's, she was still amused that she discovered their house covered with heavy security, tho way back its not new for her that it had cause it's the same way in Avengers compound except that this home she currently live on was covered with force field, she figured when Natasha presses some kind of button that activates the shield before they leave the house.

"Iam fine, I am probably just hungry" Wanda let a forced smile, well who doesn't feel hungry from all those thoughts accumulating her mind.

"We can drive thru Di Fara's, we'll order the pizza balls you really like" Steve smiled at her meeting her eyes in the rare view mirror.

"Di Fara's have drive thru? And pizza balls?" this time Wanda let her question speaks louder, which she was a little surprised why, now she has nothing to do with it but to act like she just forgot about Di Fara's latest renovation which actually Di Fara's doesn't have drive thru's or pizza balls ever in the main universe.

"Wan you just went with Peter last year on its branch opening downtown, remember how you convince his Aunt May to franchise Di Fara's because you love pizza balls that much and so we could have another place to celebrate your birthdays" Natasha explains.

"ohhh right, sorry I got it mixed up with Farnino's who doesn't" Wanda nervously chuckled, luckily she able to compose a lie that fast when she see's another pizza house at the end of the street which she quickly notice who doesn't seem have drive thru and the fact that she learn they celebrate her birthdays made her think that the Wanda here have a wonderful life. Steve and Natasha were pretty convince from what she said as they finally ordered at Di Fara's.

After a while, Wanda finally get to eat the pizza balls, its not that bad from what she imagine, its pretty handy, she gets it why the Wanda they know loves it. They went through to some kind of forest before arriving to their destination, she recognize the place, it's definitely the way to Hudson River, which she knew the Avengers Compound formerly located before it was destroyed, well that's what she know in her universe but she just don't know what it is here now, she'll know when they get inside the building.

"We are here" Steve announces. Wanda unbuckle her seat belt and out from the car, she's still holding a pizza ball which she currently munching in as she look up, studying the building they suppose to head to, she notice there's no "A" on the exterior part of the building, it gave her the hint that its possibly not the Avengers headquarters anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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