Chapter One: Just another boring day

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Do you ever wonder what life would be like if royals just kept their mouths shut? I'd call it peaceful but no one ever asks my opinion.
No, Ashton Izarele Crush is too beneath us to understand.
I pour more haldorn into Princess Gsalina Dalie's glass. Trying to keep a smile on my face.
Once her glass is full I step back and put the purple wine back in its ice bucket. Leaning against the wall, knowing full well it pisses off Queen Aldoreth. She says it's insulting.
Another servant girl started gesturing at me to come with her. I discreetly rolled my lavender eyes.
Ordala is terrible at signaling. I turned to Queen Aldoreth.
"May I go?" I asked, keeping my eyes locked on hers. It would be impolite if I didn't.
Aldoreth didn't look up from her Gheralnodel. A Dlandorian dish that used to make me sick when I was little. I'm allergic to Cucumber and Gheralnodel is cucumber stuffed with lots of melted mozzarella cheese.
She eventually waved me off and I joined Ordala at the bottom of the staircase.
"Izarele, I need to tell you something." She whispered to me.
"Ok, then tell me," I whispered back.
"Not here. We are too close to Aldoreth and King Rael." Ordala objected as she led me up to the servant's quarters.
When we were inside our room she closed the door and locked it.
"What's that about?" I asked, puzzled.
Ordala came and sat next to me on my bed.
She tucked her short black hair behind her ears. Something she only did when frightened.
"I think people are starting to suspect you not just a servant." She sighed, brushing non-existent wrinkles from her pale green dress. All the servants wore them. Although most of them were stained Brown from food. Ordala and I's dresses were somehow still green.
This is my story. I'm not a servant, I'm the only Crush Royal still alive after the Dalie royal family conquered Dlandor. My full name is Ashton Izarele Crush but if Aldoreth knew that I'd be dead. So I go by my middle name to stay alive. Ordala used to be my servant before the conquering.
"What do you mean?" I pressed.
"I overheard King Rael conversing with a citizen last night. The citizens mentioned how they had seen you in the streets, they seemed pretty certain you were a Crush." Ordala stuttered.
I ran my fingers over my eyelids in frustration. "Did Rael believe them?" I muttered.
"No, not exactly but if anyone else comes to see him he might start getting ideas."
"Did the citizen mention their name?"
Please don't be the father of the farmer boy I killed last night.
"I think I heard Rael say Lonan." She peeped.
"Folden!" I cursed. Folden is Dlandorian for the f-word.
"What is it?" Ordala said, worried.
"Lonan's that foldening father of that farmer boy I killed last night after he tried to steal my necklace," I explained.
I took the necklace out from beneath my dress and twirled the necklace's chain around my fingers. I still wear it but I have to keep the pendant hidden from Gsalina. She is the nosiest ferndeln I have ever met. I rubbed my fingers over the aqua serpent, Crush's family symbol.

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