Chapter Two: Gsalina's Maid

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An idea sparked in me. I took Ordala's hand, more to steady myself than comfort her.
"We are going to pay a visit to Lonan, tonight." I met her pale orange eyes, suddenly full of confidence.
She frowned. "Won't he recognize you?"
I laughed, "Not if I'm out of uniform." I went to my closet and picked out a dark navy dress and coat I had made myself. When you're wearing pale green all day the color gets boring. Not to mention I hate the color, it's too cheery. Navy is much more my style.
Ordala stares at me in disbelief. "Is that one of the dresses you made yourself?"
I nod, shucking my ugly uniform. Ordala's seen me undress and helped me in the past so I was used to her watching me.
I'm left with my white underdress. I pull the navy dress over my head, putting my hands through the long sleeves. The dress reaches just past my knees, exactly where I like it. Anything longer and I'd be a terrible assassin cause I'd constantly trip on my dress.
"How do we sneak out unnoticed?" Ordala asks, playing with her hands, nervously.
I give her a mischievous grin. "That's what windows are for Ordalie."
She looked a little surprised at the sound of the old nickname I used to use back when she worked for me. I hadn't used it in a while so it felt strange on my tongue.
I shook off the feeling and opened the glass window, letting in the cold night air.
I landed on my feet, unharmed. It was a skill I had perfected over the years. I sneaked out a lot to clear my head.
I looked up only to be crushed by Ordala.
"Get. Off. Me." I said into her back. My voice was muffled by her dress fabric.
Ordala got to her feet and helped me up.
"Next time warn me before you flatten me like a pancake," I muttered.
"Come on we have to make it back before morning," I said impatiently.
Ordala followed me to the village and we found Lonan's house.
It was made of wood and surrounded by farmland.
A fence ringed his house.
I crept up to his door and slowly opened it. Trying not to make the door creak.
Ordala whispered to me. "What do we do if he attacks us?"
I glared at her. "We kill him," I said flatly.
The inside of the house was even smaller than I remembered.
A lone green armchair sat in the living room.
That's when I tripped over something.
I looked down and saw a black cat staring up at me, hissing.
I knelt and grabbed it by the neck. "Be quiet or I'll kill you too."
The cat meowed in fear and got free, sprinting off into the kitchen away from us.
A low woman's voice broke the silence. "You'd think you'd be more stealthy for an assassin, Chokethroat."
Where have I heard her voice before?
"Where are you?" I demanded.
Two blue eyes appeared in front of me in the dark room. Then she shined her flashlight on her face. A familiar grin spread over her lips.
"Who are you?" I asked, confused.
She twirled her knife in her hand. "Folden, Ashton. How could you forget about your partner in crime?"
That's when it hit me. Vazera. She betrayed me as a kid when she refused to help me get rid of the Dalie royal family when they first tried to take my kingdom.
"What are you doing here?"
Vazera turned on the light so I could see the dead body by her feet.
"Doing a favor for my partner." Vazera had on a dark green dress and black boots. Her signature black feather hat sat crooked atop her head of blue-streaked blonde hair.
I looked down at the body and heard Ordala gasp.
"Why would you kill Lonan for me after you betrayed me?"
She laughed. "Because you're my queen and it's my job to get on my knees for you. Which means I kill for you whether you want me to or not."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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