chapter 1

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The scent of freshly mixed chemicals and the soft hum of whispered conversations filled the air in the back of the science classroom. Ish, Ash, Troy, Tua, and Marty except for Ricky since hes at different school, huddled together, their heads bent over their respective science projects for the upcoming science fair. There was an air of curiosity and excitement, but also a growing unease about the recent unpredictable attacks by the Wild Card.

Ish, the leader of the group, glanced around at his friends and said in a hushed voice, "Have any of you figured out why the Wild Card's attacks have been so unpredictable lately? It's like they're searching for something."

Ash, always quick to chime in, leaned closer and replied, "I don't know, Ish. It's like they've got a new purpose or something. We need to stay vigilant and figure this out."

As the group pondered this, their teacher, Mr. Williams, interrupted their discussion to introduce a new student. The door creaked open, and a girl with headphones walked in. Her hair was brown with pink streaks, dyed to perfection, immediately caught their attention.

"Class, I'd like you to meet our new student, Sora," Mr. Williams said.

Sora found an empty seat near the front of the classroom and began setting up her workspace. She had a small device on her desk that caught the group's eye. It looked like a prototype of some kind.

Sora focused on her work, and after a few minutes, she activated the device. A holographic butterfly materialized above her desk, fluttering its wings gracefully. Mr. Williams was visibly impressed. "Excellent work, Sora! This is quite remarkable."

Sora, ever humble, responded with a smile, "Thanks, Mr. Williams, but this is just a prototype. I believe I'll have the final version ready for the science fair next week."

Ish and his friends couldn't help but be intrigued. They approached Sora after class to introduce themselves. Each of them asked her questions about her invention, school, and interests. One question they asked was about her move to Canton.

Sora hesitated for a moment, her cat-ear headphones twitching as she spoke. "I moved into a new foster home here in Canton," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ash, perceptive as ever, noticed her discomfort when discussing her foster care situation. He exchanged a knowing glance with Ish, and they decided not to press further on that topic.

After the short conversation, Sora excused herself and made her way to her next class. She left a sense of mystery in her wake, and Ish and his friends couldn't help but wonder about this new addition to their lives.

The school day went on, and they all attended their respective classes, but Sora remained in the back of their minds. After the final bell rang, Ish and his friends said their goodbyes to each other and agreed to meet at the Hall of Knowledge (HOK) later to discuss the Wild Card situation in more detail.

Meanwhile, Sora arrived at her new home, a modest house with a welcoming atmosphere. She was greeted by her foster father, Cyrus Borg, a kind and understanding man bound to a wheelchair. He had a room filled with various gadgets and inventions, which immediately drew Sora's attention.

"How was your day at school, Sora?" Cyrus asked as she settled into the living room.

Sora smiled and replied, "It was good, Mr. Borg. I even made some new friends."

Cyrus's eyes twinkled with genuine happiness. "That's great to hear, Sora. I'm glad you're making friends. I know how important it is for you to have people who appreciate your passion for inventing."

Sora's previous foster homes had never truly understood her love for inventing, which had left her feeling out of place. Cyrus was different, and she hoped this time would be different too, that she wouldn't be shipped off to another home.

As the evening continued, Sora and Cyrus discussed her day, the exciting new project she was working on, and the science fair. Little did she know that the new friends she had made at school were soon to become an essential part of her life, and together, they would face challenges even wilder.

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