Pt 5 OTP

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"Hunnnn ~ here's your breakfast and be good while I'm gone" Luhan said while patting his cat
"Meoww :3" Hun responded

"Bye mom!"

"Don't forget to tell Sehun that I agreed that he can stay here for awhile while he's mother is gone" His mother said

"Oh yeah shoot I forgot to text him don't worry Mom, I'll tell him that"

"Lu, always keep on eye on your team and don't let me down" His dad said

"Oh yeah ...
(about that..) Luhan quietly replied

"What is it Luhan?" His father asked

"Nothing dad.., I'll go ahead now"

@ School
"Hey Kai do you know where is the football team right now?" Luhan asked

"They're in the field wait are you gonna audition? What about your basketball? Your dad will be furious if he finds out that you quit" Kai said

"I'm so confused right now but I really want to try football too" Luhan said

"If you say so"

---Homeroom Period-------------

"Okay class this Friday will be our Night Camping so prepare all the necessary things for camping and don't forget to wear jackets because it will be super cold there during the night, No question class?" Their teacher said

"No Ms" the class responded

"I will be assigning now the partners during this trip and only one tent for each partners. First is"

"Kai and D.O"

"Yessss we'll be sleeping together in one tent" D.O quietly said

"Luhan and Sehun"

-----Then Luhan just arrived------

"Oh look my tutor is here" Sehun said mocking Luhan making the class chuckle

"What is it Ms? Luhan said

"I was just telling who will be your partner for our camping tomorrow which is Sehun and why are you late Mr. Luhan?" The teacher asked

"I was auditioning for the football team" Luhan said

"That's no excuse for being late do this again and you will have a penalty, go back to your seat now" The teacher warned

"I'm sorry Mom it won't happen again"

(Wait what I'll be stuck with Sehun again? Seeing him in my house and tutoring him enough for me but still
I have a mission and we recently become friends. Maybe it's the time for us to bond?") Luhan talking to himself

"You can eat lunch now" their teacher said


"Hey Luhan!" Sehun called him

"Can you bring blankets tomorrow?" Luhan said

"Alright but can I sit on the table with you guys?"

"Yeah why not? We're friends aren't we?"

"Ah yeah we're friends"

"You can come and eat with us Sehun let's go down now I'm already hungryyy" Kai said


"By the way Irene who's your partner tomorrow?" D.O asked

"Wendy why?" Irene said

"Nothing, I'm so excited for tomorroww" (especially because my partner is Kai~) \(^^)/

"So Luhan are you now part of the football team?" Kai changing the topic

"Yup" Luhan shortly responded

"You auditioned Luhan what about your basketball team?" D.O asked

"I don't know what to do ......but the truth is I didn't really passed"

"Oh? It's okay well there's no team without a captain like you and you are really good at basketball now so don't leave your team hanging

Luhan just thought that he started to like basketball after all despite the pressure his Dad putting on him. He couldn't just abandon the team he feels comfortable with.

They finished eating lunch and it was time for their Cooking period.

"Okay class today we will be making our own Kimchi and for this you will need a partner so pick now so that we can start' the Teacher said

"Hey ... Luhan can I be your partner? their girl classmate asked

Then Sehun interrupted and

"Well he already got a partner and that's me sorry" Sehun said while grabbing Luhan's hand

"What are you doing?" Luhan shly asked

"Holding your hand dumbo"

"Uh okay" Luhan blushed while their hands intertwined. But he removed his hand from Sehun because their classmates might think that they are in a relationship. Then they both went to their tables and listened to their teacher on how to make a Kimchi.

The teacher just finished demonstrating how to make it and they all begun.

"sooo what will we do now?" Sehun asked

"You cut the cabbage into quarters and remove the cores" Luhan directed

"Ok" Sehun replied.
He begun to slice the cabbage when

Sehun slightly shouted because he accidentally cut his index finger

"Hey are you alright? Wash that and come back to me so I can put a band aid to it" Luhan said

Sehun washed his finger and goes to Luhan. He grabbed Sehun's index finger and putted a bandaid to it.

"Next time be careful poor little kiddo" Luhan said

Sehun's face turned red "Are you treating me like a kid? He pouted, removing his index finger from Luhan "Let's just continue making kimchi"

"Yes baby Sehun" Luhan said teasing Sese

After 30mins they finished making their own kimchi then the Teacher said to name it.

"What will we name it? Sehun asked

"Well hmmm.... .... Hunhan! The Hunhan kimchi! Yeah that's great" Luhan replied

"Not bad, you mixed our name just like the other otp's in Kpop"

"My mom agreed for you to stay at house" Luhan said

"Ok that's great"


The two went to the cafeteria to start cleaning, Luhan then asked Sehun why did he tell earlier to that girl that he is Luhan's partner

"Uhm well you know I don't have a partner, I've got no choice" Sehun said

"So I'm just an option? Nevermind but why did you hold my hand?" Lu asked

"I had to do it so that we should start making kimchi" Sehun answered

"Okay well atleast we able to maked a kimchi" (Why didn't he directly answer my question? Hmmm I'll just let him off this time)
Thank you for reading! :) Leave a comment if you like it or have a suggestion.

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