The Potion

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Fred's POV

George and I are so excited to test this on Ronald it's gonna be crack up!!! We gotta get up now considering its 6.30am we wanna put it in his drink so nobody else can see and we don't get caught.

Hermione's POV

I got up at 6.30am so I could have the shower first those other girls take forever so it's always best to be an early riser, so I then got dressed in my robes and grabbed my bag and checked the time it was now 6.50.

George's POV
It's now 6.50 we already had our showers grabbed the potion put it in my robe pocket and both me and Fred ran out of the common room and raced to the great hall. We when got there we quickly found IckleRonnikins spot about halfway in the table and poured it in and moved away quickly so when people came down they didn't look too suspicious and started eating slowly wanting to wait and see
IckleRonnikins reaction

Hermione's POV

Waiting for Harry and Ron to come down in the common room while I read A History of Magic for like the billionth time after about 15 minutes the boys came down and we went to the great hall.

Third Person POV

Hermione, Harry and Ron walked into the great hall and sat down. Much to the twins surprise Hermione sat down in Ron's spot, and Ron said " Hey Hermione that's my seat" " Honestly Ronald it doesn't matter " she retorted back as she picked up her goblet and took a gulp ,and instantly looked really happy and finished the rest of it in one big gulp. The Twins were both watching then shared a look of terror that soon turned into small smirks. "This is gonna be interesting" whispered Fred to George and he nodded still smirking.

Hermione's POV

After I drank that I felt weird but a good weird and was so happy I checked my schedule we had potions up first next thing I know I'm shouting out " YAY WE HAVE POTIONS " the whole of the great hall was staring at me and I just smiled stupidly at them all
Ron and Harry shared a confused look and Harry said " since when have you liked potions " " Um since forever do you guys wanna check out my cool as dance moves " I got up on the table and started singing while doing the moves " Put the groceries in the car, put the groceries in the car, lawn sprinkler, lawn sprinkler JAZZ HANDS!!" all 4 tables burst out laughing then I shout " YEAH GO AHEAD AND LAUGH IM NOT ASHAMED" and with that I sat down in my spot and continued eating then Dumbledore said " Ms Granger are you feeling alright " " I'm fine " then Harry spoke up and said " Well what it is um she's high " Professor Mgonagall gasped Harry continued and said " no not like that um she ate a lot of chocolate this morning and now she's really hyper this is why her parents don't let her have sugar " and gestured to me while I was jumping up and down I then ran off " HARRY YOU'LL HAVE TO CATCH ME " I yelled in a sing-song voice and Harry sighed in frustration.

A/N I hope y'all like it so far this is my first story (I think it's pretty bad) I hope to be able to update soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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