time to work

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One year later Y/n and Alex started dating. "Alex: nooooooooooooo, I don't want to get uppppp!" Alex say sleepy. "Nope! Not again! Alex get your lazyass up!" "Alex: but-" "NO!" Alex pouts "Aelx: Fineeee" After they both got up, got ready, dropped off Rose at the babysitter, they went to work. When they got to work, they said goodbye to each other and went to their desks. After some time a creep walked up to Y/n. "Creep: hey there pretty lady~" Y/n stands up, and to the creeps surprise she's taller than him. "Wanna say that again." The creep backs up. "Creep: n-n-no" The creep runs away.

When the day ended Y/n and Alex got Rose and went home. "Alex: sooooooo, whatcha doing now?" Y/n sighs "I'm cooking dinner, dumbass." Alex pouts. "Alex: I told you to stop calling me that!" Rose enters the kitchen. "Rose and Y/n: you're acting like a child." They say at the same time by accident. "Rose: again?" Y/n sighs. "Yup."

Y/n's POV
   After I made dinner and everyone ate, I got ready for bed. The next day will be my last one at my job, because I will be getting a job as an assistant at the Rainbow Factory, and no not the one from mlp, that one this bullshit, in this one puppets are killed for colors, but it's still . . . different. The owner is 6'11, has blue hair, light yellow skin, red eyes, and a fake arm- how he lost is, I don't know. All I know right now is his name is Walden darling or wally darling, if I remember correctly. 

{Fucking finally, so far it's been a day for me and I have school in the morning, I want to know if you're taking care of yourself, like eating, drinking, sleeping, etc, if you're not ok and you're not taking care of yourself,  please  take a breath and a break relax get some food and water in your body, I don't wa t you to hurt yourself, imight not know but, I care about you}

- Jeffrey-chan

358 words

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