Chapter 7

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Renji: It's been a long time......Do you remember me?

Ichigo: Tch! Renji Abarai!

Renji: What a surprise, you remember my name, excellent

Ichigo: Thanks....

Ganju: Wh-Who is that guy? He's different from the others. His spiritual pressure is much stronger!

Yamada: T-Tha-Tha- Thats Renji Abarai assistant captain of the sixth company!!!

Ganju: Assistant Captain!!!

Renji: I must admit, I'm surprised. I was sure captain Kuchiki had kill you

Ichigo walks towards him

Ganju: H-Hey?! Wait Ichigo!

Ichigo: "..."

Renji: I don't know how you survived, but my compliments to you. But it ends here

Renji pulls out his zanpakuto

Renji: Didn't I tell you, that I'd kill anyone who took Rukia's powers. As long as you live she can't get her powers back

Ichigo: Why do you care? You were just ready to kill her just to bring her back here!

Ichigo's sword unwrapped and he ran towards him

Ichigo: You're gonna let me pass or  You're gonna have to kill me!

Renji: Come we'll let strength decide

Renji: Come we'll let strength decide

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Ichigo then clashed blades with Renji. The impact pushed them back as dust flies

They didn't waste time as the clashed swords again

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They didn't waste time as the clashed swords again

Ganju: Whoa, Is Ichigo nuts? What's he thinking?! He's fighting an assistant captain I know he's strong but there's no way he can win!!!

Yamada: No... Maybe he can win look closely

As Ichigo clashed his blade he moved his feet forward and with that burst of strength he pushed Renji to a rock wall

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