Pov Sally:

I was sitting on the swing, staring at nothing. i was not having a good day. I felt really bad, i was having really bad thoughts, i was cold and i just didn't feel good in general. So i grabbed my coffee and started drinking it. Only positive thing today..coffee. And also music. I was listening to one of my favorite bands, which is Narrow head. Their music is amazing. But it still didn't make my day much better.

I was just sitting there, crying my eyes out.

After some time, i saw a person coming closer to me. That's strange..usually no one's here..and i'm here kinda often so i would know if someone would be visiting this place.

The person was coming closer and closer. It was beautiful girl, but she looked kinda sad. I still didn't feel good about another person coming here, but maybe she'll just walk past.
And that didn't happen. She sat on the swing next to me.

She was really beautiful, but her eyes were weird. Not in a bad way, i was just confused. They were full of happiness but full of sadness and the same time.

She sat there for a while and then she looked at me and took one of her headphones out. I did the same.

"so, what's bothering you?" she randomly asked while looking at me with her caring eyes and loving smile.

I didn't know what to say, just tears started falling.

"Life. What's bothering you? Or what brings you here?" i said.

i'm not really good at talking with new people, but she seemed really nice.

"your not someone who talks about themselves huh? that's okay. well, i'm just a bit anxious. I'm new here and i thought this place is nice, plus you seem sad but also you seem like someone who is really nice, so i wanted to talk to you. I can leave if you want to." she said

wow, she likes to talk a lot. But that's okay, i don't mind.

"you can stay" i simply said and smiled at her.

She also smiled and nodded her head.

"soo how's this town? do you know any nice places i could visit?" the girl asked.

"uhh i don't know. I don't really like it here, but maybe you will. In the middle of town, there are some nice cafes and stuff." i answered.

"okay, thank you! i'll look around some day. Why dont you like it here if i can ask? It seems nice and from what i've seen, the people here are also nice"

"just been here for too long i guess" i lied.

The people and places aren't that bad here, but i'm not lucky when it comes to people.

"ohh okay, i understand that. I'm not able to stay at one place for too long. I've been moving a lot. But not everybody can move. Btw i like your sweater!" she said

"oh, thank you. i like your hair" i was kinda surprised she said that. people aren't usually complimenting me. but it was nice, i just didn't know how to react.

"no problem and also thank you!" she said happily

We were both quiet for a while, but then she started talking again.

"so what's going on? i know we just met, but i can see the tears, and you can talk to me if you want to! we can have some deep talk, just get things out of our chests. we can talk about something else tho, or just sit in silence. It's up to you!" she said cheerfully.

Where she got the energy?

"well, whatever you're comfortable with" i said quietly

"i see, i have to start the conversation. if you would want me to stop talking that much just say so, i won't be mad. but if you're just not really talkative that's also okay! and really, say what you would like to talk about, i don't mind starting the conversation, just maybe say what we should talk about" she said, still smiling at me.

"you can pick" i answered

she laughed a bit and nodded her head.

"okay, since we don't know each other, we can just get to know each other! so what's your name?"

"I'm Sally, and you?"

New chapter yay. this is a bit longer, i knew what to write xd.

Sorry for mistakes, i hope there's not much. Correct me if you see any mistake pls :))

hope y'all having a good day


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