Chapter 2: The Emerald Forest

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I should mention to you all that for speech, Normal text is regular speaking, Italics is thoughts,  and underlined is over the phone or radio. Now you all know so there's no confusion.

The Emerald Forest, Vale

October 20, 79 AGW

10 Minutes after Drop

Mickey's POV

Private First Class Michael Crespo, known as "Mickey" to his squad, woke up to an extreme pain in his head. 

He opened his eyes, and the first thing he sees is the interior of his drop pod. He messes around with some of the settings, and finds that everything electronic is fried, including his onboard GPS and long-range comms. 

"Just my luck." He groans.
No GPS meant he didn't know where on Earth he was, and no long-range comms meant he couldn't contact anyone on his team unless they were within one kilometre of each other.

Mickey reaches up, and presses the buttons that will blow the door off of his pod. Once he is done, he braces for the explosion.

With a bang, the door flys off the pod and lands around ten feet away from the disoriented trooper. Mickey grunts in pain as he pulls himself out of the pod, before he pulls his weapons off the gun mount. 

Mickey's weapons of choice are the the M7/s Suppressed SMG, and the M41 SPNKR Rocket Launcher.

Once he had his weapons safely secured to his armour, he scanned his surroundings. 

'Trees. Trees. And more trees.'  He thought sarcastically. 'I have no idea where I am.'

Deciding to take a chance, he turns on his radio and tries to hail anyone on his team through their private channel.

"Gunny, Gunny! Come in Gunny! This is Private Michael Crespo! Do you read me!"
He shouts into his radio. When he gets no response but static, he tries it again.

"Gunny! This is Mickey! I'm lost in some forest and I have no idea where any of you are. How copy?" 

Again, no response. Only static.

"Dammit!" He shouts. 

Mickey begins pacing back and forth around his pod, before a stupid idea came to his head.

'If I broadcast on an open channel, I might be able to reach other UNSC personnel who could redirect me to Gunny or the others.'
He thinks, before realizing that if he does that he could risk bringing down Covenant forces down on both him and his team, should they respond. 

"Do I, or don't I?" He asks himself.
He paces even faster, thinking about all the pros and cons of that specific course of action.

'Pros; Higher chance of finding my team or someone from the UNSC. Cons; I could doom not only myself, but my team or someone from the UNSC.' 

He begins to panic.

"Do or don't! Do or don't! Do or don't!" He shouts, before deciding. "FUCK IT!!!"

Mickey quickly turns his radio on and switches to an open frequency before he can talk himself out of it, and shouts into it.

"This is Private Michael Crespo, broadcasting on an open frequency to any and all UNSC callsigns! I am in need of assistance... " He pauses, hearing something in the bushes near him. "Shit! What the hell was that!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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