Chapter 3 : Crazy Bunch.

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You slowly opened your eyes, your vision foggy and weak. You blinked a few times, moaning and groaning. Soon you heard some kind of animal sniffing you. You looked to your side to see a raccoon with a banana peel on its head, sniffing your ear. You screamed and flailed up, sitting up. The raccoon chittered and ran under a nearby seat. You looked around. You were alone in the back of a van..? You gulp and look out the windows. You're outside a gas station... maybe you can escape! You check the van doors and sure enough, they're unlocked! You opened the door and ran out, hiding behind the van. You heard voices approaching. "And dat is how I single handedly saved a whole town!"
A cocky Boston voice snickered. The rough and female husky voice from before spoke. "You mean 'we saved the whole town?' You just sat on your ass and ate chips, Scout."
"Shut up, Sci! All you've done was throw a couple of paint bombie majiggers!" The van shook, the male and female presumably fighting. A booming voice was then heard. "You two stop. You act like children."
"Shut up, flapjacks!" The Boston voice yelled. You moved to the back of the van, peeking to the side. The Boston voice came from a skinny, lanky young man with a gray baseball cap in his hands, red short sleeved shirt that said, "TOM JONES" with a Tom Jones decal on it, black sweatpants and black sneakers. He saw the open door to the van and his eyes widened. "GUYS WE GOTTA PROBLEM!" He yelled, running onto the gas station.

You looked around and ran, booking it for the outside bathrooms. You ran into the bathroom and locked it, sighing. You turned and came face to face with the black haired woman with glasses and the purple dress. She looked down at you. "Your supposed to be in the van!" She yelled, grabbing your arm. Your eyes widened and you tried to push her off, which to no avail, worked. She dragged you out of the bathroom, taking you back to the van. You kicked and screamed, making a huge scene. A few people came running from the gas station, running outside. A man with a eyepatch, a red turtle neck sweater and black pants came running first. "How the bloody hell did they get out!? Sniper locked the door!"
The husky female voice spoke up. "These doors don't lock! This van is running on life support!" The group all got in the van, including you and the purple dressed woman and they sped off, the van going through lane through lane. The purple dress woman looked down at you. "Whats your name, kid?" She said, gently smiling. You stared at her, still in shock. She sighed. "My name is Pauling. Guys? Introduce yourselves."
The people in the van all introduced themselves.
The lanky man was Scout.
The husky woman was Sci-fi.
The big man in the front was Heavy.
The man with the eye patch was Demoman.
The man with small glasses and a labcoat was Medic
The man with a funky hat was Sniper.
And lastly the final person who was on the walkie-talkie was Spy.

You looked at them, uneasy. They all stared at you, directly. "I... I'm (Y/n)..."
They all chuckled or snickered. Sci-fi took a bite out of her licorice. "Nombre bastante retrasado." You couldn't really understand what she said so you just rolled your eyes. "Who are you people? Why did you take me?"

The French man spoke up. "That's classified."

You rolled your eyes again. The van shook and rattled, the big man driving like a mad man still. You were flung around in the seat, trying your best to keep yourself on the metal benches. Sci-Fi chuckled. "Sorry kid. No seatbelts."

Short chap bc I'm at school rn... school sucks bru 😭

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