Old Family, New Family

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Night begins to fall in Gotham City, the bright lights of the city glistening like stars in the rain. Rain at night. A typical phenomenon in this city. On an island in the harbor, a grand mansion stands in all its splendor, silhouetted against the gloomy sky. From within the mansion, a tall, dark, and brooding man sits within a great wooden hall, looking out over the dark skyline of Gotham. A series of knocks on the door disturb his train of thought, causing the man to say a firm, "Come in."

Following his response, an older, graying man walks in, holding a formal posture and polite demeanor, yet betrayed by a sorrowful look in his eyes.

"Master Bruce, you have a call from Commissioner Gordon."

This surprised the man, as the commissioner had never called before, and worried him that he had discovered *that* secret of his. With this idea in his mind, the young master responded with an inquiry of his own.

"Do you know what it's regarding, Alfred?"

           "He said it would be best if you turned on the news to understand."

           Further intrigued by this information, Bruce Wayne turns on his television, only to be hit by a massive wave of grief and regret after what the newscaster says.

           "The City of Gotham, and the fashion industry worldwide is mourning the untimely loss of its most beautiful and brilliant star, Aubrey Serafrost. The model and socialite has tragically died in a car accident after a stray bullet from a nearby gang shootout hit her car's front left tire, causing it to swerve uncontrollably and crash into the side of Gotham Tunnel. Serafrost died en route to Gotham General, her driver having died in the crash."

Hearing this report crushed Bruce. Memories of Aubrey came flooding back to him without any sign of stopping. He remembered, clear as day, meeting her on a summer's evening at a charity gala. Her flawless silver hair, pure as the first snowfall of winter, her sparkling blue eyes that put the most expensive sapphires to shame. Her laugh, which would bring light to the darkest of nights. He remembered it all. Their first date, their first dance, their first kiss. The day he left her. Oh, how did that memory hurt him. She loved him, but he knew she would find out his secret. He left to keep her safe. At least that's what he told himself for all the good that did.

"Master Bruce, Commissioner Gordon  would like you down at the station. He says it's urgent and regarding Mistress Serafrost."

Standing deliberately and with purpose, Bruce follows Alfred to the car. The drive to the station is quiet and seemed to last forever in the mind of Bruce. After what seemed like an eternity, Alfred pulls the car up to the front of the precinct. The older man exits the car and opens the door for him. The graying and aged man offers his master an umbrella, to which the brooding man declines, welcoming the feeling of the damp, cold rain to remind him that this was indeed reality and not some phantom of his mind’s creation. Standing at the station, is another man, younger than Alfred but not by much. His eyes hold sorrow, grief and understanding, along with wisdom of the world beyond his years.

“Commissioner,” Bruce greets, politely as his tired and heartbroken soul could muster.

“Mr. Wayne. I offer you my condolences. Please enter, there is something Ms. Serafrost asked me to share with you,” stated Commissioner Gordon, his words holding an air of mystery that piqued the detective mind of the grieving man.

Jim Gordon invited the two men inside. There, both Bruce and Alfred saw what they never would have expected. There, sitting on a bench, wrapped up in a coat several times too large for her small frame, her small hands holding a cup of some warm drink, sat a young girl, no older than 5, with silver hair as pure as fresh winter’s snow, eyes blue enough to put the greatest sapphire to shame, and an angelic expression befitting that of a goddess. Bruce knew immediately, this was Aubrey’s daughter.

“Bruce, this is Evangeline. She’s Aubrey’s daughter, and yours. In Aubrey’s will, she listed you as her guardian. You don't have to take her, but she has no one else, and you are her father..."

"I'll take her," Bruce replies, seeing a little of himself, a young boy who just lost his whole world. He knew he needs to be there for her now, just like Alfred was for him all those years ago.

"Very well. I'll leave you two to get acquainted."

The commissioner leaves, and Bruce calmly and carefully approaches the small child.

"Hello, little one. My name is Bruce. I am-"

"My dad. Mom talked about you."

He's interrupted by her small, soft voice, squeaky from the cold and crying. His gaze softens, and he extends his hand to her. She looks up questioningly but takes it after a moment.

"Let's go home."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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