Training And Potty Breaks

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The Fire Nation ship was heading in the direction of the Southern Water Tribes. Only this time they were all dressed in their armor, two fire benders stood in front of Prince Zuko. While the prince's uncle was sitting on the ground, the uncle's eyes narrowed as he said.


Prince Zuko then threw his arms out, fire coming out of his hands. He aimed it at the two soldiers in front of him. One twirled to the side while the other jumped in the air and kicked the flame away from him.

Prince Zuko then spin-kicked in the air while using his hands once more to attack the soldiers. Prince Zuko held his arms out with a look of concentration on his face and finished with the move. The uncle stood up from his searing position and sighed as he said.

"No! Power and fire bending come from the breath," he took a deep breath.

His hands moved up while doing so before he went on using the pose Prince Zuko landed in.

"Not the muscles." He took another deep breath doing the same motion again.

"The breath becomes energy in the body, the energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire." He firebrands at the prince, making sure not to harm him.

He went back to his relaxed stance, hands behind his back, and said sternly.

"Get it right this time.

"Enough." Prince Zuko growled out as he marched up to his uncle angrily. "I've been drilling this sequence all day, teach me the next set I'm more than ready."

"No, you're impatient." The uncle said, he sat down on his stool resting his arms on his legs as he went on. "You have yet to master your basics. Drill it again."

Prince Zuko growled, he thrust his left leg out. Firebending at one of the soldiers as he told his uncle off.

"The sages tell us that the Avatar is the last Airbender, he must be over a hundred years old by now. He's had a century to master the four elements, I'll need more than basic firebending to defeat him. You will teach me the advanced settings."

The old man closed his eyes, trying hard not to snap at his nephew. He opened his eyes and glanced at the ground before looking at his nephew with annoyance as he said.

"Very well. But first, I must finish my roast duck."

The old man knew it would get on the prince's nerves, and he couldn't help the smile on his face as he saw his nephew's face contort into disbelief as he began eating his roast duck. He never knew payback could taste so delicious.

~The Southern Water Tribe~

"Now, men, it's important that you show no fear when you face a fire bender." Sokka started explaining to them.

He placed back and forth before pausing and staring down at the ground as he raised his boomerang in the air as he said.

"In the water tribe, we fight till the last man's standing. For without courage, how can we call ourselves men?"

A group of little boys sat in front of him with bored looks on their faces, before one of them raised their hand in the air and told Sokka.

"I gotta pee."

Sokka's face hardened as he told all the boys the truth of the matter.

"Listen! Until your father's return from the war, they're counting on you to be the men of this tribe. And that means no potty breaks."

"But I gotta go." The same boy said.

Sokka sighed as his shoulder sagged, he furrowed his eyebrows at the children in front of him as he asked them.

"Okay who else has to go?"

The boys all looked at each other for a minute before all raising their hands in the air. Sokka let out a small growl and hit his face angrily. The boys got up from the ground and began walking toward the bathroom.

Sokka watched them go with a frown on his face. Mara, seeing her brother, smiled as she quickly ran up to him.

"Have you seen Aang?" She asked her brother.

Her brother gave her a look of confusion so she explained to him.

"Gran-Gran and Katara said he disappeared over an hour ago."

Aang came out from an igloo and towards the boys heading his way with a smile on his face as he told them, hands on his hips.

"Wow, everything freezes in there."

The kids all giggled at him as they all crowded him, Sokka groaned as he looked at his little sister angrily.

"Mara, get him out of here. This lesson is for warriors only." He shouted pointing at the young boy before walking away.

Mara watched her brother with a small frown on her face wondering why he was being all moody. They heard a kid shout with excitement. They both turned to watch a little boy slide down Appa's tail, going over a spear and into a snow pile with the other kids.

Mara giggled at the look of excitement on everyone's faces, before watching her brother storm over to Aang and Appa.

"Stop! Stop it right now!" He shouted, grabbing his spear from its resting spot as he continued his rant. "We don't have time for fun and games with a war going on."

Mara ran up to where her brother and Aang were, watching the kids run around having a good time with a smile on her face-planted. Aang looked down at Sokka in confusion, he jumped down from his spot on Appa as he questioned Sokka.

"What war? What are you talking about?"

"You're kidding right?" Sokka said as he looked at the boy with a raised brow.

Aang looked on behind Sokka and his eyes widened with excitement as he exclaimed loudly.


The penguin looked at Aang before making a cute oohing sound before turning around and running away. Mara smiled at the cute little animal before her hair was pushed in front of her face as Aang chased after him. Leaving both Mara and Sokka in confusion over what Aang had just asked them.

Sokka looked at his younger sister with a dumbfounded expression as he asked her.

"He's kidding right?"

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