Chapter 4

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Sophie cringed, tearing her arm out of Fitz' grasp. He looked away sheepishly, and Tam, who had taken out a melder, quickly put it away. He must have thought that Fitz was part of the Neverseen. Sophie cleared her throat. "You yourself said that we were over, start to act like it." She left both of the boys in the hallway, and hurried to study hall. She was aware Fitz had looked after her dismayed, Tam had looked at her confused, and Linh just... well, she just stood there. 

(2 hours later)

It was after school, and Sophie stomped home. She hurried up to her room, ignoring the protests of Edaline and Grady. "Sophie! We need to talk!" With tears burning in her eyes, she shouted down the stairs, "I've had a rough day! Please just leave me alone!" She shut the door to her room, barely hearing the squeaky protests from Sandor. She hadn't noticed him following her around, Grizel's training must have helped. She dropped onto her bed and grabbed Ella, sobbing into her bed covers. 

A while later, a dish of food was conjured onto her bedside table. Sophie at ate it quickly, she was getting really hungry from all the crying. She felt a hand on her shoulder. Grady sat down, and said quietly, "You shouldn't be eating that fast." Sophie slowed down as Grady took a deep breath. "Edaline told me about what happened. Why didn't you come to me for help as well?" He asked. Oh gosh. This is exactly what I DON'T need right now. "Uhh... Dad, I don't really feel like talking about this right now." Grady sighed, "Alright. But know I am always here for you." They sat like that for a while, Sophie eating her food and Grady just sitting there to comfort her.

(The next day)

Biana called Sophie, saying that she was going shopping. "Ugh. I guess thats something to do." Sophie agreed and quickly used the Leapmaster to get to Bianas house, where the girls were waiting. Sophie knocked on the door, and Biana opened it. She was already dressed amazing, Sophie didnt see why they needed to go shopping. Linh giggled and popped her head out from behind Biana, and Sophie awkwardly waved hello.  Why is Linh here? I thought Biana said it would just be us... Biana smiled. "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that Linh was coming!" Sophie tried to smile, and rolled her eyes as Biana and Linh turned around to head inside. 

"So, we should probably go shopping at my personal store..." Sophie and Linh looked at her with a strange expression. "Your personal store!?" They said at the same time. "Yeah! You both must have not registered yet, the stores are amazing!" Biana turned around, heading to Everglens Leapmaster. Sophie and Linh followed. It seemed like they didn't really have a choice.

After light leaping to Atlantis,  Biana led the way to a fat skyscraper, and the girls head inside. Some fancy dressed gnomes welcome them inside, and lead the girls to a fancy elevator. Inside, the doors are made of some shiny material that grew dark and shady when you got too close. It was all spotless, like no one had ever came in there before. In the elevator, Biana pulled out a fancy chained necklace with a butterfly pendant, and pressed the pendant against where the buttons should be. 

Immediately, the doors closed. "Please hold onto one of the bars around you," an automated message said. The elevator was launched upward before Sophie had a chance to grab one, and she saw the same happen to Linh. Biana looked queasy as they both collapsed onto the floor, and when the elevator stopped, Sophie felt sick as well. The doors opened, and Sophie couldn't help herself when she gasped. There were aisles and aisles of dresses for different occasions. Linh looked surprised also, yet Biana acted like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Alright girls, since last-minute my Mom has decided to invite all of our friends over, we are going to need to get a party dress as well." A party? Dress? With... Fitz and everyone else?  Sophie was feeling sick, and it wasn't from the elevator. Biana and Linh had disappeared into the aisles, and Sophie quickly went after them. "Uhh... Why invite us last-minute?" "I don't know! Now, lets get to the shopping!" Biana expertly navigated through the dresses, and they finally arrived at an aisle titled, "Party Dresses"

Ok, this chapter was kinda boring, but I will make sure the next one is less boring. If theres any spelling or grammar issues for any of the chapters, please leave a comment so that I can fix it later! Thanks for reading this chapter! The next one will be out soon.

Our Little Secret...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora