Ch.1 Trash can lids

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Waiting in a room at full capacity full of men seems pretty intimidating especially if your me but I never let it bother me. Especially all the stares and whispers that get thrown around by people who try to do it discretely but so far they're not really good at that. Especially if your a girl wanting to enlist in the army. Even more if your a girl enlisting in the army who has a dick.

"Hey, you okay?"says Steve

"Yea why wouldn't I be"- I say

*Nudging him on the shoulder*

Steve my twin brother has always been by my side since the day we were born. I still tease him that I'm older knowing that riles him up, which I am by 3 minutes. He also hasn't had it easy, due to all of his illnesses. Kids tend to pick on you for that. But when someone tries to pick on Steve that's when I step in. Steve tries his best but just ends up getting beaten to a pulp. Mom would always get mad that I didn't do better to protect him, Steve would try to intervene but she shrugged him off and went back onto badgering me about it.

As we're waiting me and Steve see some newspapers about what's happening outside of the U.S. Talking about German soldiers invading other countries and massacring innocent people.

Innocent people are being slaughtered for no reason. I can't sit here and watch this unfold before my eyes and do nothing. A reason as to why I'm enlisting to make a change and to prove that I'm not what people whisper about me.

"Jeez kinda makes you wanna rethink enlisting huh?"

A random man next to Steve speaks, when we hear our names get called.

"Steven Rogers and Jamie Rogers"

Both of us responding back to the random man

Steve and I both come up to the stand waiting for the inspection. Steve was infront of me and I was behind him. I hear the man stamp the paper and Steve goes to speak against his action.

"Come on just give me a chance?"

"I am son, I'm saving your life, next?

The doctor excuses Steve and I'm next and with a disapproving face the man looks me up and down and stamps the paper barely even looking at it and closes it.

"Hey come on, give me a shot"

The man chuckles
"You wouldn't have a chance, next?"

I grumble walking away

Knowing that's our 4th time trying to enlist and still nothing, I feel like maybe he's right but there's something in me that says I can do better than any of those men out there.

"You know I wish I could show them that I could do it Jamie, that I'm not just someone you can walk over"

"Hey, you will, we will, we'll prove those assholes all wrong-

"Language Jaime"
I chuckle and ruffle his hair while he slaps my hand away with a pointed glare for messing with his hair"

"Hey you wanna go do something to get our minds off of earlier?"

"Yea what did you have in mind?"

Without saying anything I grab Steve's hand we run to ur destination that I had in mind.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see now hurry up, your slower than a turtle"

"I am not"

Me and Steve are sitting in a theatre waiting for the pre showings to finish. But some dickhead is screaming in the theater being absolutely disrespectful. Hoping that he just shuts up, but to my disappointment I'm sadly proven wrong when he doesn't. But Steve decides to take matters into his own hands. Which is honestly really dumb but to each their own.

"Hey, why don't you show some respect!"

"Steve what are you doing?"

"I can't Jamie, this guy needs to be put in his place"

"This is not gonna end well"

The guy speaks up again saying something stupid and obviously can't be patient.

"Hey, why don't you shut up!"

Steve said to the man

"Well shit"

Punch after punch being thrown to us the guy still manages to overthrow both of us. Steve gets a punch thrown right to his face which makes him stumble to the ground falling on some trash. I go to throw a punch and to his surprise it lands but does no affect to him. To which he only gets angry and punches my face and pushes me hard hitting my back against the wall. I slump down feeling the pain in my back.

Steve gets up and gets a trash can lid to shield his face from the guy. But the guy just laughs and grabs it and throws it to the ground. And punches him one more time. That's when I try to stand back up and so does Steve getting in a stance for another punch to land to our face. Cause if we're gonna go down we're gonna go down fighting.

"Y'all just don't know when to give up don't you?"

Steve and I both look at each other then back at the guy.

"We can do this all day!"
We both say at the same time

As expected another punch is thrown first towards Steve then another towards me.

A voice I recognize all to well.
"Pick on someone your own size!"

Bucky then punches the piece of shit and spins him around and kicks him in the ass making him run away. Making me chuckle that he actually just kicked a guy in the ass.

"Sometimes I think y'all liked getting beat"

"We had him on the ropes"
"Yeah uh huh, let's go with that steve"
Bucky just rolls his eyes with a smile at me and Steve's banter. I look up to see Bucky in a army uniform. I smile and whistle a cat call. Bucky just chuckles and steve looks up to the commotion and is shocked to see Bucky in a uniform.

"You got your orders?"

"Sergeant James Barnes, prepared to ship off first thing tomorrow morning"

"We should be going"
I look over at steve and with a half smile trying assure that's it's gonna be okay. Bucky does the same landing a hand on his shoulder and leading him with him under his arm grabbing me too under his arm too with letting us go.

"Come on"
Bucky says smiling trying to cheer up Steve.
"Where we going?"
Steve asks still gloom but I just look curious.

"Please don't tell us your taking us to another casino cause the last time we went we all lost money that night along with getting our butts kicked" I said

"Okay but who broke up the fight, huh?-me, but anyways no, no more casinos, just come on your gonna love it" said Buck

Giving him a small glare we proceed on and follow his lead.

How was the chapter so far?
This is my first time writing a story so if you have any tips I would appreciate them, Ty loves enjoy 💗

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