background info for the story

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Introducing... A side story of the fnaf punkrock series made by EC_Universal.

Hanako is an 18-year-old girl with white-chestnut hair and purple eyes wearing a mixture of gray and white clothing and accessories with hints of pink. but does all that matter in the end? No.
In this story, Hanako (our protagonist) gains access to the storage area of the Punkrock animatronics (Punkrock Foxy, Milo, Pico, Butch, Punkrock Bonnie, and Dallas) via Dylan asking Vindi (the Fazbear ENT. CEO) she visits the animatronics entirely unpaid except for the money she is given to help the animatronics, specifically any funds that are unused go straight back to the company. Sometimes on off time, she speaks to Dylan about bringing GC to the storage space to have him visit his old friends even if they aren't on the greatest terms since they last spoke, especially since the loss of Ronnie during the error sequence of events. Since that incident they had a proper funeral for Ronnie, unfortunately, Iris could not attend due to his job at the Wonderheart Café. So in its entirety, Hanako works as an animatronic care employee for the Fazbear Entertainment: fanverse branch punkrock establishment even though the building is no longer in operation. She is an unpaid intern. The only reason she decides to return every day is that she cares for animatronics, sympathizes with them, and wants to help them stay in touch with the world that they can no longer be a part of. Her relationships with the animatronics range from being close to not believing that she cares for them for example, for Milo and Pico, Hanako tries her best to comfort them after the death of Ronnie while looking after Bonnie by helping them get over their fears with Butch, she assists him to create new drink combinations because that's what Butch enjoyed doing before the closing of the location. Dallas is a different case though, he was indifferent to the whole situation because he wasn't at the location for a very long time but Hanako still tries to help him keep in touch with the world outside their space. Foxy... 's had a hard time after the location went under, he's both afraid and angry that Hanako might "betray him and his friends again, just like Iris" in his words. No one else believes that Hanako would hurt them. Foxy is just speaking random nonsense, Hanako being the extreme empath that she is, she wants to help where she can but Foxy barely lets her close to him, when he's offline Hanako will often leave small gifts for Foxy, trying to help him trust her more although it isn't working very well, maybe one day Hanako will get treated like an employee instead of just an intern and with the highest hope... a friend. More on with our protagonist "Hanako" she is a sweet soul with no wrong to cause harm, but all the harm she could've inflicted on others only came back to hurt her. But she doesn't hold anything against anyone, she tries her best to forgive and forget all of the bad things that happened to her... the list of things that have gone wrong for her is very large. (Abuse, Sexual Assault, Emotional Manipulation, and many many others.) Dr. Vendi was very reluctant to give her the job but after a lot of convincing from Dylan, she got the job. Hanako met Iris before they were decent acquaintances but they don't have a lot of time to meet because of Iris's job at The Wonderheart Café

word count:603

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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