ꕥ 1 - Ophilia ꕥ

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Chapter 1

The date today is October 9th 1421. Today marks the day she loses the person she's held dearest to her as she grew up. Her lovely mother Coral, she had taken care of Ophelia's younger brother Levi and her once her father had passed when Levi was only two.

Today started in a blur, she had woken up as the sun rose over the mountains to get ready for another day in the library tending to my studies. Or so she thought.

She arose to her feet, rubbing her eyes into a stretch walking towards my wardrobe. She opened it to all my lovely dresses and blouses that have been mainly gifted to me by my rich great aunt Violet. She had only met her once but when she was only one, so she can't remember her but they have a portrait of her hanging in the hall along with all our family photos. She had gifted her five dresses from her home country, Utopia, every birthday for as long as she can remember.

As she got dressed she looked in my mirror making sure the dress hides her figure. She had found herself in a long dress just reaching her ankles with the flair at the bottom reaching the floor. It had been a pure white dress that has puff sleeves and a baby doll dress cinch with mini tan buttons at the very top.

She did up her hair into a half pony and added a light blue ribbon into a bow to hold it in place. She then added the same ribbon around here waist area not making it tight on her body but just enough to at a curve in the dress.

"Opal! You're running late, you still need to walk your brother to his football practice!"

Ophelia heard her mothers voice calling from the kitchen. Opal was a nickname the close people in her life started calling her. She doesn't really know how it came to be but she doesn't mind seeing as Opal is her favorite stone.

"Coming," she yelled and she ran out grabbing her bag and running into the hall walls as she put on her black heals.

"Ah," her mother started as Ophelia came into vein, "there you are, you need to rush out the door or you'll both be late to your day."

She ushered them out the door giving them a brown bag with a lunch in each. She kissed the top of Levi's head as he walked out and said her goodbyes to the children shutting the door behind them in a rush.

"What's going on with mother?" Ophelia asked as she placed her lunch in her satchel. "I duh no," Levi muttered through his teeth as he had been carrying his lunch bag with them. "Why do you ask?" He questioned back as he took the bag out of his mouth.

"Nothing, she just seemed in a hurry that's all," the girl replied picking up the pace and they were both settled with their bags.


She waved by to her brother as he runs onto the field meeting up with his friends. She turns to leave, walking towards the Library.

Upon her arrival she was met by her dearest friend Marie. They have been friends since before the 1st grade. They meat the previous summer when Ophelia sat alone reading a children's book and Marie came up asking for her to play. Ever since they had been inseparable.

They entered the library where most of their classmates have been chatting and studying. Marie had been catching Opal up with all the drama she had heard over the night.

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