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"Where the hell am I? How the hell did I get here?"

"You're in my suite at Hamilton's" Mark shrugged. "I decided to bring you here after you passed out in the ladies room at the bar."

"Why didn't you just bring me home to my house instead?" Lexi reluctantly asked him. She knew that she was going to regret asking him that question because she knew that he was gonna give her a smartass answer, but she still asked him anyway. "My key to my house is here in my purse."

Mark snorted, "And risk being seen by your parents?" he remarked sarcastically. "Oh yeah! Why didn't I think of that? Right! That's because I thought that if I brought you here instead of bringing you home we can avoid being in situation that we both don't want to be in! The moment they see us, they're going to to insist that we get married immediately. Knowing your mother, she's going to think that we've finally come to our senses and agree to the engagement."

He's right. Seeing us together would definitely not get me out of marrying him. She thought. Lexi drew in a deep breath. She got her act together and decided to hurry home before her parents noticed that she stayed out all night. "I'd better get going if I want to make sure that I don't get into trouble." She made her way to the door, then she forgot to say something. "By the way, thanks for helping me." She smiled.

"That's nothing. I would've done it again if ever the situation presented itself." he said nonchalantly. With one last smile, Lexi moves to leave. And then he remembers that he needed to give her something. "Alexa, wait." Mark stops her as she makes her way out. "Here." He hands her a keycard that has a 'Hamilton Hotel' logo on it.

Lexi raises an eyebrow, "What is this for?" she holds up the keycard.

Mark was quiet for a moment. "That's the key to my penthouse suite here at Hamilton's."

"I'm confused. And I need this because....?"

"Because after you go home and change, I'd like you to come back here so that we can talk." he replied. "Don't worry about being seen, I'll make sure that you can easily make your way up here without risking anyone recognizing you. I'll also give you access to my private elevator."

"We have nothing to talk about. As far as I'm concerned, I've said what I wanted to say at dinner last night and I've made it clear to you, your dad and my parents that there's no way in hell I'm marrying you." She hurries to the door and makes her way out. "Goodbye, Mr. Hamilton. I hope this is the last time we see each other." Slamming the door on her way out. Leaving Mark staring at the door.

Lexi was glad that the coast was clear when she entered her house. She quickly snuck inside her bedroom and took a nice and long hot shower. Since it was a Saturday, she didn't need to be at her father's office.

She has been working there eversince she graduated from college. Her mother insisted that she didn't have to work since she has all this money at her disposal. Well, let's face it, she is the sole heiress to her father's business empire. But it wouldn't feel right to spend money that she didn't work hard for. As much as possible, she wanted to experience life like everyone else. At least she could say that she is independent because she's working as an employee for her dad.

When her parents finally caved and let her work, her dad immediately wanted to give her the CFO job since she majored in finance. She again refused and insisted on working her way up the corporate ladder. She now works as an assistant to one of the finance advisor of her father's company. At first, they didn't warm up to her and treated her indifferently because she was the boss' daughter. But as they got to know the real her, they immediately started warming up to her. They frequently go out for drinks after work but of course the wariness is still there. She hopes that it would all disappear in the long run.

Then Alexa remembered the events that occurred from last night's dinner. She can't seem to shake off the dread that's building up inside of her whenever she thinks about what her parents are making her do.


She needs to figure out a way to get out of this mess that her parents have created for her. She spent what seemed to be a lifetime weighing out her options and thinking of what the pros and cons will be of her actions. Because she knows for a fact that whatever her decision is, this will affect everyone around her. So far, she has three options:

Option 1: She obeys her parents, as she always have, and go through the engagement which will please her parents and ensure the future of her family's company. Then look for a way to convince both parties that this marriage is a sick joke and that it would be best if it won't push through.

Option 2: Runaway. Drop everything and just go. Leave behind her family and friends. Risk embarassing the Hamiltons and her family.

Option 3: Marry Mark. Secure the merger and hope that love will follow.

Lexi let out a huge sigh. This is crazy! She thought bitterly to herself.

After she finished drying her hair, she let out a huge yawn and stretches out on her bed. The choices she set out for herself weighing heavily on her mind.

With all the things that was going on in her mind, she closed her eyes and let sleep takeover.

Please, God. Give me a sign of what I should do.

Hello my lovely readers!

Very belated merry christmas and happy new year!

I'm soo sorry about the late updates. Yet again, I have been ezperiencing a major case od writer's block.

Still, I hope that you'll like thus chapter.

Please feel free to comment and recommend it to others.

Also, I need help designing the cover page. This is Book 1 of the "Reluctant Brides" series.

Love you all!


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