Chapter 15 - Another Day, Another Fight

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Author's note: Truthfully, Life's been a mess! But then, since when it was smooth as butter? Additionally, I'm stuck! I don't seemed to feel that 'thing' which helps me to write. I can't express in words what that 'thing' even is! And my creativity seemed to have frozen just like my life. It's disgusting. Okay let's try it little by little. One day, I'll stop writing. But that'd be after I complete the projects I've taken on. 10+. How do authors write and release 3-4 books in a year? I cannot even write one book per year. -_- Anyway, let's start.

It's a small chapter, but I'm trying in all my efforts to be back on track of writing regularly from now on! I promise, I'll do better from now on.


Gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd as Ritu and Jai locked eyes in a moment of disbelief. Her temper flared like a sudden tempest. She pushed herself away from Jai with all the grace of a wounded panther. "You!" Ritu exclaimed. "What on earth are you doing here?" Her high-pitched voice drew the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

Irfan noticed that and promptly lunged forward, grabbed a hold of Ritu's hand and pulled her back.

As an immediate reaction, a scowl formed on her face. She shifted her furious gaze on Irfan and noticed him eyeing the crowd. Ritu snatched her hand away from his grasp and snapped in an undertone, "I'm perfectly capable of handling this matter. Stay out of it."

Irfan's brows furrowed but he refrained himself from talking back. Although he remained vigilant, it was difficult to tell so because of his professionally taut demeanor and black sunglasses.

Ritu turned around and threw her seething gaze on Jai. Her temper already on edge, erupted like a volcano. "I should've known better. You're actively searching for ways to meddle with us. Aren't you? Always lurking around like a vulture. Looking for scopes to bring defamation and tribulations unto my family. Isn't it?"

However, Jai, surprisingly unfazed by Ritu's outburst, remained calm and composed. "It'd be wise of you if you do not exaggerate the matter. This is just an accident."

"Accident? Yeah, right. Convenient excuse," Ritu retorted. "What are you doing here by the way? Following me?"

Jai maintained their eye contact for a few seconds, his face showed no signs of annoyance, before averting his eyes and briefly acknowledging Irfan. "We're in a marketplace. People come here to buy fruits and vegetables. Any five years old can tell that much." He shifted his eyes back on Ritu before adding, "I'm here for that very reason. I had no prior knowledge of your presence here. If I had, I would have taken every precaution to avoid this encounter."

Ritu's brows furrowed in a severe frown. Her anger flared at his words. "You!"

Irfan, who had been watching the exchange with wary eyes, stepped closer toward Ritu, ready to intervene if things escalated further.

"You have some nerve talking to me like that! What do you think of yourself?" Ritu hissed.

Though she was well aware of the growing crowd around them, she was not ready to back down without giving Jai a piece of her mind. A voice in the back of her mind kept reminding her that the man in front of her was the main reason her family was obliged to appear in the criminal court. The shame he had brought upon her family was substantial, and she couldn't tolerate that silently. She was her father's daughter, and he taught her not to tolerate anything that was unjust. Although he asked her to act responsibly, she was having a hard time to accept the fact that the person responsible for her family's tribulations would roam freely while she'd have to endure the pain silently. As the thought crossed her mind, her hands turned into rigid balls and started shaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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